This Forsaken World Chapter 6

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This Forsaken World Chapter 6

Sergeant Victor Grimm

The sun had set as I swiftly moved towards the inner wall. Fires raged unchecked across the courtyard and I was amazed at the sheer destruction before it was obscured from view. I made my way around a broken building and headed for the stairs.

As I approached the main gate I made sure everything was clear before taking the staircase to the base of the wall. The infected were too busy with the Walkers and surviving Defense Force soldiers to make it this far and despite everything I thanked whoever was listening for that.

The tanks had taken up flanking positions just outside the entrance to the city and thousands of troopers were in the process of reinforcing the position with spikes, sand bag bunkers, sheets of thick metal and anything they could get there hands on to form a decent barricade.

As I approached I noticed a Major who was giving orders and coordinating the defense. I made my way to the man and gave him the best salute I could muster, my head still spinning and my balance compromised.

"Sir, Sergeant Grimm, Third Squad, Second Outer Wall Defense Garrison. My entire unit is dead or missing. I was knocked unconscious by an explosion, do we know what happened?" I asked. "All I remember is unknown figures in black detonating explosives on the wall."

The Major returned my salute and looked me up and down. "You look like you've been through the ringer young man. As far as we know those saboteurs were loyalist to the enemy fleet approaching Earth. At least that's what the highers ups think. Frankly I don't care, my priority is getting these walls defensible. Report to the medical tent, its through the gates and on the right. Once you've been cleared for duty, I expect you to report for orders. I need every able body out here right now. Dismissed." The man then turned his attention back to his task.

I nodded my head, a throbbing pain informing me this was a bad idea, and did as I was told. The place was in pure chaos as more Walkers were moved into position and heavy weapons platforms were installed at various locations.

The medical tent was right where the officer had told me it was and I staggered inside. There was a line of at least five other troopers with various injuries in front of me and over fifty people were scattered about on stretchers. It was obvious very few wall guards from any of the units had survived considering how few injured there were.

I was anxious to get back on the line and get some pay back but trying to fight with a head injury was a big deal and I didn't want to become a liability instead of help.

The man in front of me was missing his entire left arm at the shoulder, a compressed skin graft was the only thing keeping him from bleeding out and the fact he was on his feet meant he was under the effect of a lot of military grade pain killers. The sight made my stomach flip and I swallowed hard, looking away from the grisly wound. I was thankful I at least hadn't suffered that type of injury.

As the medics attended the men in front of me, the sounds of gunfire opened up not far from my current position and I turned to look at the source.

A screaming mob of infected had begun pouring into the open space before the gates and the tanks and infantry had opened up. For some reason the Walkers had made no move to join the combat and I pondered this as a medic approached me.

I allowed myself to be guided to a medical bed as the battle began in earnest, explosions of all types filling the air as the scream of engines took over. Bombers and fighters from the fleet began strafing runs and the night was lit up in a brilliant show of utter destruction.

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