This Forsaken World Chapter 25

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This Forsaken World Chapter 25

Commander Devin Crowe

After arriving at my quarters I first noticed one of the MP's had dropped off Sally's bag. The white haired enchantress grinned as she grabbed the bag effortlessly and sat down on the bed to go through the contents.

Moving into the tiny bathroom I slipped out of my clothing and inspected my eye in the mirror. Although the Captain had ordered me to the medical bay I didn't feel it necessary as the pain and bleeding had stopped some time ago. My depth perception was off as was my balance but I was learning to cope with it.

Removing the bandage I hissed at the pain of the dried blood peeling away from the skin. The method of the removal had been precise and surgical even for torture so it looked worse than it was.

A presence at my shoulder caught my attention and I turned around to see Sally standing in front of me. The vampiress was examining my nude body with a slow appreciative look before she reached out and handed me a piece of leather.

Taking the offered object I was surprised to note it was a cut out patch with a head band. Raising a questioning eyebrow the woman smiled.

"It's leather from an animal kill on another planet. I cut the piece from the hide to make an eye patch! I told you I had a secret for you and this was one of them." I fit the strap around my head and adjusted the patch.

"How does it look?" I asked. The vampiress traced a finger along my cheek and gave me a sly smile.

"Like a space pirate." I laughed out loud before removing it and setting it on the sink.

"Thank you." Turning around I stepped into the shower stall, cringing at the cold metal floor. Adjusting the controls I tested the water until it was hot enough to step into without freezing and sighed in satisfaction.

Rustling movement caught my good eye as I glanced over to see Sally sliding out of her flight suit. The slow deliberate movements of her body caused lust to course through me and I breathed in deeply. The white haired goddess was everything I dreamed of in a woman with an athletic slender build.

Moving with the grace of a pouncing cat Sally walked forward with deliberate hip movements to cause arousal and my body reacted on instinct. A seductive grin lit up her lips as she stepped into the shower beside me.

There was barely any room for myself let alone the vampire so our bodies were pressed together, my manhood against her stomach as I bit my lower lip. Sally seemed a bit uncomfortable at first and I wasn't sure if it was from the contact but she seemed to realize this and shook her head to comfort me.

"It's the water, I've never done this before and my skin is very sensitive. It feels great though I can see why you humans enjoy these hot." I could tell she wasn't just referring to the temperature of the water and it made me blush.

Reaching over the slender vampire's head I grabbed a bar of military issue soap and held it out for her to inspect.

"We use this to scrub our bodies, will it affect your skin or can you use it?" I asked. The woman stared at the foreign object before shrugging her shoulders.

"Won't know till we try." I nodded as I lathered the bar in the water and began to slowly wash her skin, my arousal heightening at the softness of her flesh on my hands and the proximity of her body.

What I had thought was a lotion based scent from the conversation we had before I finally realized was actually natural as the lotion was cleared away and her scent remained. The tiny shower stall made it hard to effectively clean her fully but the process was made ever so enchanting with the way she looked into my eyes, her blazing red orbs piercing into my soul.

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