This Forsaken World Intro

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Commander Devin Crowe

Flight Leader of the 22nd Fighter Squadron Codename, Reapers

Executive Officer of The A.M.S. Star, Fleet Carrier.

Member of the New Alliance Military.

May 13, Earth Date, 2054, Personal Log Entry.

I'm writing this log as a historical account of the events leading to the evacuation of the planet Earth. This log may not be accurate but I'm writing it through the view of myself and what I have learned. It is unclear if anyone will ever read this but I figure if we are to have a future generation, this will help them to understand exactly what happened to the human race and why we had to leave our homeworld.

My name is Devin Crowe, as of this writing I am the flight leader of the 22nd fighter squadron known as the Reapers. I'm posted as the executive officer aboard the Alliance Military Ship (A.MS.) Star, a fleet carrier-class starship. The ship is attached to the 1st Expeditionary Fleet commanded by Admiral Edward Burns. Originally the fleet consisted of eight ships, two carriers, a massive battleship, four destroyers and a medical/supply frigate for support. A dreadnought was designed to join the battle group as the leading capital ship, but it was never completed and during the evacuation of Earth it was left behind in dry dock. The fleet was constructed to explore the galaxy for a new homeworld to relocate humanity to, but before the mission could be launched, we were invaded and forced to leave early. I'll get to this shortly, for now, I'd like to recount the events at the beginning, so it is easier to understand. To do this, I must go back to the year 2019.

October 30th, 2019. Earth

Towards the end of 2019, a virus began to spread throughout the world. Initially, the casualty rate was low, fatalities only occurring in those with a weak immune system. After a brief period, however, the virus went airborne and the casualty rate increased significantly. Despite every effort by the medical community, the virus swept through the world at an alarming rate, forcing the world governments to start a quarantine and take measures to prevent the spread. This failed however as humans, despite being ordered to stay at home and keep at least six feet between themselves and others, congregated at retail stores, passing the virus among hundreds of people a day. This led to a mass influx of infected people and quarantine measures failed. The center for disease control (CDC) declared the virus 'The Consumer Virus', nicknamed the Con-V. They named the virus this due to the fact the majority of infected were consumers shopping at stores and contracting the virus through proximity to other shoppers. The world governments decided more extreme measures were required and began to deploy military forces in bio-containment suits to enforce the quarantine. Humans who were infected were euthanized in fire centers where they were incinerated and those who tried to hide were hunted down and killed. The virus was defeated after almost two years through these measures and the survivors breathed a sigh of relief...though the worst was yet to come.

June 19th, 2021. Earth

Two years after the Con-V virus wiped out over a third of the human population, resources were stretched thin and the surviving world powers initiated a war to claim what remained. The war, thought to be short-lived and mostly cold, with threats and declarations and little action, soon escalated and engulfed the world. World War 3 became the future for the Con-V survivors, and it seemed for a time that humanity would become extinct through there own efforts. This proved false however as in the year 2025, the world leaders gathered for a peace talk, the aftermath producing a new world order which was known as the 'New Alliance'.

August 4th, 2025. Earth

The New Alliance pooled its collected resources and developed the New Alliance Military, tasking this organization with creating a fleet of ships to explore the galaxy in order to relocate the human race to a fresh planet, the natural resources and surface of Earth now a hostile environment for human beings and what little animal life remained. It took 20 years to finish the first fleet, labeled as the 1st Expeditionary Fleet, and humanity celebrated its success and hopes for a brighter future. The new fleet was deployed into space in orbit around the planet as the New Alliance started production on a second. Civilian communities and organizations began to create ships of there own and soon the orbit around Earth was filled with numerous vessels ranging in size and shape. It was declared that only ships belonging to the New Alliance Military could carry any form of weaponry and Earth entered an era of peace and stability. Unfortunately, it seems that humanity is forever trapped in a cycle of death and destruction.

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