This Forsaken World Chapter 27

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This Forsaken World Chapter 27

Sergeant Victor Grimm

My heart nearly stopped as the zombies entered range and anyone with a firearm opened up at the same time. You'd think I'd be used to this after being on the wall for so long and dealing with the infected face to face on numerous occasions but in those situations I was always able to get to safety, I wasn't completely exposed with no cover.

Fighting my fear to get my focus on the fight I started squeezing the trigger as carefully as I could, making sure each of my rounds struck a target with the most accuracy I could muster.

The front two rows of the infected dropped as they tried to advance, the third and forth tumbling over there fallen comrades before they finally managed to get there footing and surged forward once more.

"Keep it up!" I yelled as I followed my own orders. The gun chamber slid back and I swapped magazines, the gun becoming incredibly hot in my hands.

The oncoming horde was getting closer and closer and from the looks on the Defense Force troopers faces they were on the verge of routing and running in any direction that wasn't here. I wanted to tell them to hold there ground but I couldn't blame them, they only had makeshift clubs for defense and infected were still very strong and fast.

As I went through my third magazine a round got stuck in the breach and I cursed.

"I'm jammed!" I called out to Hank and Evan as I stood up and moved back a few feet, struggling to get the bullet casing free.

"Too late!" Evan yelled as the roaring mob swarmed over the scrap walls and were among us. While the gunfire had slowed down the horde and thinned there numbers, there were still an overwhelming amount of bodies attempting to rip us limb from limb.

Drawing my combat knife in one hand and using the pistol as a club for the other I began to fight the infected back, mixing in my well practiced martial arts to disable anything that broke through my swinging defenses.

"Fall back to the shuttle!" I yelled as the sounds of engines fired up. The timing could have been a little better but it was better late than never.

The living humans ran as fast as there legs could carry them to the transport's side door, a handful of prisoners and one Recon Force trooper being left behind to disappear under a swarm of zombies as they began to feast on there prey.

Swinging my knife to the right I speared the point into the side of a woman's head, a wet thunk ringing out from the impact as I used the bottom of the pistol to crush the skull of another infected in. The sheer number was almost too much and if it wasn't for my armor plating I'd have been taken down by now.

I back pedaled rapidly, still using my combination of weapons and martial arts to fight off anything that got close enough until I cleared the nose of the Transport and spun around to charge towards the door.

The Major was waving survivors of the onslaught into the space craft and from the looks of it only a third our number was still alive. I realized that most of the Recon team, Evan and Hank were all still on the other side of the transport ship and cursed.

Now having a second to focus I cleared the jam on my sidearm and slid a fresh magazine in. From the lack of gunshots it was obvious the soldiers with firearms had either run out of ammo or they were being overwhelmed and fighting in close quarters.

Turning the corner I watched as Evan used the same combat tactics I'd been using to clear a path. The younger man had the same training and experience I'd received but unfortunately Hank wasn't a combat soldier.

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