Chapter six

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 "do you hear that " he asks as he stops his horse

"don't stop , go " I tell him as I reach for his horse and take the leash

"they're here , we need to hurry" I tell him " is that the cave " he says as he points in the darkness "I don't have night vision general "

"well you should " he says as we stop " i'm not gonna pluck my eyes out and let a Wiccan do experiments on them " I tell him as I leave my horse towards the hidden cave behind the waterfall

"it's not that bad , you won't feel a thing " he says as he jogs ahead of me " yeah no thank u ,I think I'll stick to my normal eyes "

"your choice sweetheart " ....sweetheart , where did that come from

"do you hear them " I ask him as the voices of the hybrids could be heard throughout the entire forest

"you were right " he says as he sits down on a log that was inside the cave " a woman is always right general "

" I don't trust women " he says as he looks at me up and down " why "

" they are manipulative creatures , starting wars for greed and lust " he spits out with hatred

" correct me if im wrong , but didn't men start wars , just because a woman didn't want them , because a woman rejected them , whos fault was that?, certainly not a woman's "

"hmm a feminist" he says as he buries his head in his fancy jacket

"hmm a sexist " I tell him

" can we please not fight " he says as he lifts his head up and looks at me " fine with me" I tell him as I lay down on the cold concrete

"i'm gonna take a nap " I tell him " i'll take watch " he answers " okay " I whisper as I start drifting out of consciousness







I am awakened by a sudden noise " what was that " I ask no one in particular

"a howl" answers the general " we need to move " I tell him as I get up " why" he asks throwing his hands in the air dramatically " werewolves" I simply tell him " so what "

"they're rouges , it seems we have entered their territory" I say as I exit the cave and head towards the horses " I thought rogues didn't have any territory ... that's why they're called rouges" he says as he mounts his horse .

" rogues do have their own territory ... they are called rouges because their pack banished them they bare the mark as a reminder for other packs to not accept them , to be banished from a pack is a severe crime in the eyes of the goddess"

" they never teach us these things in the academy " he says with a shake of his head

"what did they teach you "

"war strategies, how to bring down empires , combat and unnecessary history "

"that's rough" I tell him as we start moving east "what about you " he asks with curiosity laced in his tone , I let a small laugh as he looks at me like a lost puppy " I was homeschooled , I was too poor to attend the academy and I was the daughter of Pandora so I was not welcomed anywhere near the palace doors ." I tell him

"How was it ?"he asks yet again with pity in his eyes which makes me roll my eyes " it was far better than you for sure , I got to pic what I wanted to learn but mathematics and grammar were the only subjects my aunt chose , then when I turned twelve I started learning archery and later how to master a sword but I never got time for hand in hand combat "

" your life was pretty good mortal " his comment makes me scoff " for the kinds of a assassin you had a pretty good life " that made me stop in my tracks

" how-how do you –" I stumble on my words as I barely get two words out .

"please, the castle is enchanted we know who gets in or out "

"But why didn't anyone stop me "

"you did the job for us , why would we stop you "

You wanted the king dead?"

"Yes , he was a cruel ruler , if he kept on ruling the lands would be cursed not by magic but by his mere presence " he says and I let a small chuckle .

"good to know im on you good side, does that mean you wont kill me "

"not yet , you are very valuable to the king "

"why, what does he want from me ?"

"your pancreas " he says in all his seriousness that I actually believe him , my terrified face must have amused him , because all of the sudden he starts laughing like a maniac

"lord, should've seen your face , you actually looked terrified "

"I thought you were serious ,you had your poker face on and your lips were pursued so of course I believed you , I don't know if the king is some kind of freak who also is a cannibal whos favorite dish is pancreas "

"oh you poor thing "

Poor me indeed

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