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Isabella Mikaelson was only 10 years old when her family began to change for the worse.

However, her family saw the youngest Mikaelson as the 'sunshine' in her family.

"Izzy. Come on." Kol said as he grabbed her hand and they ran off into the woods.

"Where are we going Koala?" Isabella asked.

"We're gonna find Nik and Lijah." Kol smiled at his younger sister.

"But my legs are tired." She pouted.

Kol stopped and slid his hands under her arms, picking her up so she sat on his hip.

"There. Now stop complaining." He said as he slightly tickled her sides.

"Koala stop it!" She laughed and Kol stopped tickling her and smiled at her. "Where's Bekah?"

"I think she's helping mother. Why? Do you not like my company?" He sarcastically said.

"You know that's not true Koala Bear. I was just wondering." She smiled.

Kol put her down when they saw Elijah and Klaus.

Isabella ran to Klaus, him picking her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Hey Izzy." Klaus smiled.

She smiled at him and he handed her to Elijah who put her on his hip.

Isabella started playing with his hair and Elijah smiled.

"Where are we headed, then?" Kol asked.

"To the cliff, it's absolutely breath taking." Klaus said and they started walking through the woods.

When they reached the cliff, it was sunset, the sky was orange and light blue. The view looked down onto a massive patch of land.

"Wow." Isabella said.

"Where are you?" They heard a voice behind them.

"Is that Bekah?" Kol said.

"Yes. Quickly hide." Klaus laughed and they all hid behind trees as Isabella was still on Elijah's hip.

Isabella looked at Elijah with a wide smile on her face.

Elijah put his finger to his mouth to signal to be quiet and then he lightly laughed at his younger sister as she quickly put her hand over her mouth to stop her laughing.

They heard Klaus and Kol say "Boo!" as they jumped out at Rebekah.

"Bastards!" Rebekah said as she tried to calm down her heart rate after the jump scare.

"Sister." Elijah said signalling for her not to say things like that in front of their younger sister.

"Sorry." She said.

Elijah set down Isabella and she ran to Rebekah. Rebekah kneeled down and they hugged each other.

"Mother was looking for you." Rebekah said.

Isabella turned around and looked at her brothers, "Can we go back? I'm tired."

Kol ran up to her and picked her up, "Yes sunshine. Let's go."


Every month, her family had to retreat to the caves whilst the wolves wondered the surface.

They had just come back to the village after staying in the caves the night before.

"Come on Izzy." Rebekah laughed as she pulled her younger sister towards all of the necklaces.

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