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Instantly, Isabella sped to the front door and examined the outside, listening out for any noise.

There was nothing.

Afterwards, she sped back to Thomas and huffed. He was crouched down next to Nate's corpse.

"He must of ripped his head off with his chains." Thomas told her as he examined the bloody neck.

"Fucking psycho." She mumbled as she crouched down and picked up the hybrid's foot.

"Do you think we should tell them what we know?" Thomas asked as he looked for something to wrap around the body.

But Isabella stopped tugging on the foot, "it won't make a difference. We only know the vast vicinity of the cure, not the exact location."

Thomas shrugged. He finally found a large piece of plastic and moved back over to the decapitated body. As Isabella pulled the body of the dead hybrid out of the room, he grimaced as he followed behind Isabella, making sure not to step on the trail of blood.

"We could get someone else to clean this." Thomas mumbled.

"Too late." Isabella said when she dropped the dead hybrids foot when they finally got outside.

Isabella sighed, "now there's a hunter on the loose."

Thomas threw the plastic on top of the hybrid as he crouched down and began to wrap it around the body.

"With a hybrid head." Thomas said.

"Which means he has werewolf venom." She stated.

"You should call Klaus." He insisted.

She nodded, pulled out her phone as she followed Thomas back into the house.

She dialled Klaus's number and it only rang a few times before he picked up.

"What do I owe the pleasure, sister?" He greeted.

"Hello to you to, Nik." She said.

Once they got into the living room, she flopped onto the couch, laying down.

"I was just about to call you too, actually." Klaus told her.

"Oh, my god. We're like twins," she joked, "telepathy powers."

She could almost hear the eye roll through the phone, "what do you want izzy?"

"The hybrid, Nate I think? Well, anyways, he wasn't a very good security guard." She said.

Thomas walked over to where she sat and swatted her legs away so he could sit on the couch, too.

"Why? What happened?" He asked, now serious.

"Heard a little commotion, found a decapitated hybrid with his bloody head missing and the hunter gone."

"What?" Klaus asked angrily.

"Yup. We took it out the house, I don't want it starting to smell." She said, nonchalant as she placed her legs on Thomas's lap.

"So he has werewolf venom?" He asked.

She hummed for an answer.

"Why'd you want to call me?" She asked.

"To inform you that I'm going to Italy." He said.

She frowned, "why?"

"To collect the sword." He told her.

"Rebekah told you where to find it?" She questioned.

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