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They made their way back to the mansion.

"We should continue packing. I want out of this town." Isabella said.

Rebekah couldn't speak, only nod.

They all split up and worked on different things.

Isabella found herself wandering into Klaus's room.

She searched around and after a few minutes, she found something from her childhood.

A grin pulled on her lips when she examined it.

Nik kept it.

It was a small, wooden crown he carved when he was 19, Isabella 8.

She never left anywhere without it for months. After waking up from the coffin, she had completely forgotten about it, until now.

Rising to her feet, she held the small crown in her hand, running down the stairs and finding Rebekah.

"Bex." She called. Her sister turned around, tears trailing down her cheek as she held one of Klaus's paintings in her hands. "Oh, Bex."

She pulled her sister into a tight hug, stopping the urge to cry herself.

"Elena didn't die. She's a vampire." Rebekah said.


"Yeah." She sniffled.

She needed to change the subject, "look what I found." Isabella said, pulling away. She raised her hand with the wooden sculpture in her hand to show her. A smile instantly pulled up at her lips.

"Where did you find that?" Rebekah laughed, taking the crown in her hands.

"In one of Niklaus's drawers." She replied.

Thomas entered the room but seeing the sisters in a deep conversation, laughing, he kept to himself, in the corner of the room.

"I remember he made me a wooden knight." Rebekah said.

Isabella laughed, "I remember that."

All of their heads snapped up when a floorboard creaked at the door.

Damon Salvatore.

"You should know better than to sneak up on ladies." Rebekah grumbled.

"Good advice. Have you seen one?" Damon tried to joke. "Who's the lurker?" He pointed to Thomas.

Thomas only sent him a glare.

"None of your business, Salvatore." Isabella snapped.

"Tragic about Elena. Not to make a grey cloud greyer, but does Matt even have automobile insurance?" Rebekah teased.

Damon glared at the elder sister before rushing towards, pulling out the indestructible white oak stake, aiming for Rebekah's heart.

Before he could get close though, Isabella had grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him off, throwing him towards Thomas.

Thomas quickly grabbed Damon by the throat, prying the stake out of his hands and throwing it on the floor.

Damon was surprised by the strength of the stranger as he could tell he wasn't a vampire but quickly deduced that he was a werewolf. He saw him at the warehouse the night prior but didn't examine him enough to get any information.

However, suddenly, shots were being fired through the window. One hit Isabella straight through the heart, same with Rebekah. They both staggered and instantly fell dead on the floor.

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