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When Isabella woke up, she looked all around the mansion for Klaus but he wasn't there.

She quickly got ready and tried to leave.

"Klaus said you can't leave." One of the hybrids said.

"Where is he?" Isabella asked.

"The Salvatore house."

"Thanks." She said and tried to walk out the house again but the hybrid put his hand in her shoulder to stop her walking.

She grabbed his hand and twisted it, flashing her pink eyes.

"Don't test me. I may be small but I'm still an original hybrid." Isabella said and sped off.


Isabella walked into the Salvatore house and saw Klaus sitting on the couch with loud music in in the background.

Klaus leaned his head back in frustration, "what are you doing here, sunshine?"

"I'm bored. You keep leaving me." Isabella pouted as she walked over to him.

Klaus grabbed her arm and pulled her onto him so she sat on his lap.

"How did you get out? Thought I told my hybrids you couldn't leave."

"Broke his arm."

Klaus laughed, "oh, did you now."

Stefan entered the house and looked at Klaus and Isabella who was still on his lap.

"What are you doing here, Klaus?"

"Enjoying our stalemate."

"What do you want?" Stefan asked.

"Question is, what do you want? My hybrids left town as you demanded so please tell me what I need to do to get our family back."

"Well, see, Klaus, I'm not negotiating."

"And you understand holding them indefinitely is the same thing as dropping them in the ocean."

"No, no. You two leave Mystic Falls and then give me a call in a few years and we'll talk."

"Or I could just bite you. Not tried it yet with my werewolf side. It should be fun to watch you die." Isabella said.

"Than you'll never get your family back." Stefan said.

Isabella crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back onto Klaus's chest as he wrapped an arm around her.

"I'm going to give you another chance. Just one more. Let's make a reasonable deal." Klaus said.

"Or what? Either of you make one move and I will drop-" Stefan started but Klaus started laughing.

"That's right. Crazy Stefan. How's that working out for you? Any friends left?" Klaus said.


Klaus and Isabella were at the grill sitting at the bar. Klaus had alcohol in front of him whilst Isabella had a plate of fries in front of her.

Klaus took one of her plate and ate it whilst Isabella frowned at him and he smirked.

He took his phone out of his pocket and called Daniel, one of his hybrids.

"How's life on the road?" Klaus said.

"Scenic. How's life in Mystic Falls without any hybrids?" He asked.

"Boring." Klaus said.

"Tell me about it." Isabella mumbled.

Klaus smiled, "for now."

"If you want any of us back, you just have to say the word."

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