Part 3

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The next morning, Harry made a lone journey down to the Great Hall, Ron deciding to sleep in. He saw Hermione buried in a book, but the moment Harry walked through the golden doors, she looked up and beamed at him. 'What's that about?' Harry wondered. A passing thought came, however, 'Maybe she is in love with me, and she's staring at me like that because she loves me... Nah, don't be stupid, Pottsy, but that'd be so brilliant, wouldn't it?'

Putting that intoxicating thought aside for another time and place, he made his way over to sit next to Hermione.

"Good morning, Hermione!" Harry said cheerfully, as he began to dish up some bacon, eggs, and a stack of toast.

"Hiya, Harry," Hermione said shyly, "Are you... are you looking forward to the next love letter?"

Harry took a moment to figure out what Hermione was talking about.

"Oh, right, that. Yeah, the one from yesterday was really sweet, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they have to say next."

As though it was listening in, a pink owl flew down at that moment to drop another letter in front of Harry and a blushing Hermione. 'She should really go see Madam Pompfrey about that, her face is red so often these days...' Harry thought. Picking it up, Harry opened and read the letter.

Dear Harry,

So, this is the second letter! I can reveal a few more things about myself this time round since Professor Flitwick will be using a slightly weakened form of the anonymity charm. It's all very interesting, actually. I managed to question him about the charm after I wrote the first letter (and I'm writing this one immediately after, so I'm yet to see your reaction to the first letter), and did you know that he actually invented it himself? He found some old family notes in his Gringotts vault and used a combination of old Goblin magic alongside some very complicated and impressive Arithmancy to link the Goblin magic to wand movements. Apparently, the quills that we use have a very faint flash-memory and can recall the intent of the author when they use the quill. The anonymity charm finds this faint strand of intent and can detect and adjust anything that can identify the author in the writing! It's really brilliant and I've just realised that I'm rambling!

I tend to do that a lot, you know. Almost as much as I think about you. You really are very special; you've occupied a place in my mind that is just too deep for me to remove - not that I'd want to, of course. It's rather irritating sometimes. I'll be studying for an upcoming Ancient Runes exam, and then all of a sudden you pop into my head and distract me! It's not your fault, obviously, but I do get a little annoyed at you for so securely making a home in my mind. Only someone as amazing as you could do that, though, and only someone as amazing as you deserves a place there.

I'm anxiously waiting for you to find out who I am. Part of me never wants to hear your answer, in case it's not the one I so desperately need to hear. I'd rather live in ignorance of your feelings towards me than know they don't exist. I'm afraid that our friendship will be ruined when you find out who I am, but on the other hand I truly believe that we could be the paragon of love, and I'd be an utter fool to throw away that opportunity.

I love you more than anything.

Love from,

Your Secret Admirer

"What does this one say?" Hermione asked.

Harry looked up at her with a serious expression.

"Apparently I'm annoying and distracting-"

Love From, Your Secret Admirer || HarmioneWhere stories live. Discover now