Part 7 - Finale

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Dear Harry,

Meet me in the alley between Dervish & Banges and Dogweed & Deathcap at 11:30.

Love from,

A very frustrated and incredibly bewildered Hermione Granger.

It was Valentine's Day, and Harry was staring at the latest and final letter from his secret admirer. It had been one hell of a journey from the very first letter from the mysterious secret admirer, to this final letter from the mysterious secret admirer. Their ability to stay so mysterious was astounding, and Harry was looking forward to finally finding out who they were.

He was standing in that very alley, wrapped up in his warmest clothes as the cold and snow had hit Hogsmeade hard. Harry was checking his watch constantly, waiting for 11:30 to arrive, and with each minute that passed, he got more and more antsy.

He wasn't sure what to expect, really. What if the person was someone horrid? In the back of his mind, Harry knew that he'd compare the secret admirer to Hermione, and if he was being honest, his secret admirer would have to be Hermione herself to even come close to comparing to her. Sadly, Harry knew that wasn't the case, but it wouldn't do him or his secret admirer any good if he dwelled on that. He'd give them a chance, they certainly deserved that much.

There was less than ten minutes left until 11:30 now. In the distance, he spotted a lone figure walking down the pathway from Hogwarts towards the village. Even though they were still pretty far away, Harry could tell that they seemed to be moving pretty fast, and he idly wondered whether that was his secret admirer. He also observed various couples doing 'couple' things around Hogsmeade. Ron, bald head and all, was with Lavender Brown. Neville was being dragged around (literally) by Daphne. Colin Creevey was walking with a cardboard cut-out of Harry.

However, he was then distracted by a shout behind him.


Harry turned around and saw a girl with ginger-red hair approaching him.

"Oh, Harry! Have you decided to meet me in Hogsmeade after all?" the girl gushed happily and walked towards him, her hips swaying with every step.

Harry frowned as the girl approached him, and he had the nagging feeling that he had seen her before. Yes... he recalled that she was in some way related to Ron... This was Ron's... cousin? Daughter? Something like that.

'Shit, what was her name? Something alcoholic...' Harry thought, panicking.

"Go away, uh... Whisky," he said, trying to shoo the annoying girl away.

"It's Ginny," the girl hissed. Harry wondered why she was mad. He had been pretty close.

"Go away, Martini!" he repeated. "I'm about to meet my secret admirer."

"But..." for a moment, the girl looked crushed before she collected herself.

"Well, maybe I am your secret admirer?" she asked with a hushed voice and stepped closer towards him.

"No, you're not," Harry stated flatly.

"And how would you know that?" Cocktail questioned.

"Because your shoe size is four and your coat is missing a button on the left sleeve," Harry said as if it explained everything (because it did). Honestly, sometimes Harry wondered how people could be so unobservant. It was a basic skill, for crying out loud!

The annoying girl looked at him uncomprehendingly for a long while, but then gave off a huff of annoyance.

"Fine!" whatsername exclaimed, "I'll be waiting for you when you come to your senses."

Harry shook his head with bemusement as the human-being ('I think it's human, anyway') turned and left, glad that the distracting thing was finally gone. He turned around to continue observing the figure that was marching towards Hogsmeade coming from Hogwarts.

By now, he could make out that they had a bushy mane of brown hair that very much reminded him of Hermione.

He smiled fondly at the thought. How wicked would it be if his secret admirer shared the same hair colour of the person that he loved most in the whole world?

Then, the figure disappeared from his view behind a row of houses as they got closer to the village, and Harry waited giddily with anticipation for them to arrive in the alley soon.

Looking at his watch again, Harry saw the hands strike 11:30. He looked at the entrance of the alleyway, waiting for his secret admirer to come round the corner.

Instead, he saw Hermione.

She walked up to him with an angry expression, one that would likely be in Harry's nightmares for years to come, and kissed him.

Her lips were warm and welcoming, especially in this cold weather. Harry savoured the sweet flavour of spearmint still fresh in Hermione's mouth. She placed her hands on his face, deepening the kiss she seemed so desperate to have. Eventually, the pair pulled apart from one another stared lovingly into each other's eyes; brown gazing at green.

"Uhh... wow Hermione. T-that was great. But why did you kiss me? I'm waiting for my secret admirer to arrive."

Her eyes immediately darkened.

"How have you not figured it out you moron!" She snapped, "I'm your secret admirer, I'm the one who's been sending you those letters!"

"That was you? Wow! You hid that really well. You could've given me a million letters and I'd never have figured it out!"

"I know." Hermione hissed venomously, so much so that Harry thought she was speaking Parseltongue.

Suddenly, the next thing Harry knew was being wrapped up in a Hermione Hug™, her grip tight enough to crack his ribs. She was crying.

"I l-love you!" Her shaky shouts were muffled by Harry's coat, "I love you so much, and you love me, and yet you didn't even realise that I was the one sending you letters."

"I love you too, Hermione," Harry replied, his heart soaring, "I love you so much, too."

Hermione leaned back and gazed into Harry's eyes, "Now, I want to spend Valentine's Day with my boyfriend, how does that sound?"

Harry's heart plunged into his stomach. 'She already has a boyfriend... of course she does, she's Hermione! Why would she be with me when she could be with anyone she wants...'

"Um... who is your boyfriend, Hermione?"

Her eyes seemed to go completely black as she took a heaving breath and let loose.

"YOU! YOU FUCKING IDIOT, YOU! YOU ARE MY BOYFRIEND!" Hermione yelled, before throwing herself back into Harry's arms.

"Oh, wicked!" Harry said, grinning.

And it was.

Walking out of the alley hand-in-hand, the new couple ventured into Hogsmeade on their very first date. What greeted them took Hermione by surprise, as she gave a yelp as she spotted the large crowd gathered in front of the alley. It didn't take Harry by surprise, obviously, considering the cracks in the bricks of the buildings and the pattern of owl droppings against the walls allowed him to deduce that this would occur.

Applause broke out, started by Ronald 'The Bald One' Weasley. Whoops and cheers echoed around Hogsmeade, and various reporters from various newspapers asked questions and took photographs of the pair. Professor Flitwick approached the new couple and gave them one house point each for finally completing the Valentine's Challenge.

Eventually, the crowd broke off and allowed Harry and Hermione to spend some time alone with one another. Hermione snuggled close to her boyfriend, sighing in content.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Harry."

"Happy Valentine's Day, Hermione."


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