Part 5

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Don't speak too soon.

Dear Harry,

I am Hermione Granger. Hermione Granger. Hermione. Granger. This love letter is from me, Hermione Granger. I am confessing my love for you, Harry Potter. I love you. Hermione Granger loves Harry Potter. Harry and Hermione sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes our babies in a golden carriage. Three kids, by the way. Two girls and a boy.

I love you.

Love from,

Your Secret Admirer.

Harry put down the letter.

"I don't know why you think that it's obvious as to who wrote this. I don't know why my Secret Admirer is saying this stuff, to be honest. I'm flattered, obviously, I've told Ron before how much I'm in love with you, Hermione, and would love to date you, marry you, have kids with you, and then grow old with you, but I don't get what this letter is trying to say."

The stares Harry received back from his two best friends would've indicated to a normal person that they had said or done something wrong.

But Harry wasn't normal.

"Ok, well, I'll tell you who I know it's not, if that makes you happy."

Blank stares.

"Right," Harry began, uncomfortable from the silence coming from Hermione and Ron, "it's not Aunt Petunia because she hates magic. It's not Mrs Norris because she's a cat. It's not Romilda Vane or Colin Creevey, since they've already sent letters to me. It's not any of the staff here, since that'd be an abuse of power. And, it's not Hermione since she doesn't think of me that way. Other than that, it's fair-game as to who's been sending me love letters."

"Harry, read the first six words of that letter," Ron said.

"Um, ok. 'Dear Harry, I am Hermione Granger.'"

"And what do you think of that?" Ron asked.

"Obviously, this person is pretending to be Hermione since they know that I'm completely and irrevocably in love with her. They probably think that they can bait me into a trap of sorts by pretending to be Hermione, but that's a bit pathetic and it won't work since I know that Hermione doesn't love me, so I know that this person is just pretending to be Hermione. You see?"

Apparently, they did not see, but Harry was saved from their scathing responses by another pink owl dropping off yet another letter.

This one was slightly different. Harry knew as he opened the envelope that it'd take a bit more skill to work out the sender of this love letter.

Harry cleared his throat as he began to read aloud the latest letter.

Dear Harry,

I hope this letter finds you well. I think you're brilliant, and amazing, and a hero! I've read all the books about you so many times so I think I know you better than anyone! I can recite and quote so many things about your life, I might even know you better than you know yourself! Hehe :)

Just kidding, of course! But I do think we could have a great conversation about you! I've loved you ever since I first read those brilliant 'Harry Potter and The...' books, my favourite has to be the one where you defeated that herd of Nundus attacking that African village! I'd love to hear your perspective on that adventure!

Love from,

Your Secret Admirer

When Harry finished reading the letter, he glanced towards Hermione and saw a disdainful and angry expression upon her face - muttering something about 'fangirls' and 'I'll show you a herd of Nundus you shallow bitch' - but there was something about that letter...

Love From, Your Secret Admirer || HarmioneWhere stories live. Discover now