chapter 3 the mission begins and new meetings

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artyom journal entry

"is been one week after we settle the things now the base turn into an village the women now live there and they along olso during the time we be train by petreko since we face new enviroment outside the dark tunnels and the dead city soo we be train by instrutors,one is sam who give his training when he was an the marines,then there is dragonvich who give his training when he was an the spetznas,who what ulman told was the special forces of our country before the bombs fell,then there was this soldier name leona heirden who was the best soldier as miller say who she give her traning when she was an s.a.s who is special,air,service who was part of the British army who was part of the nato..dispide that leona was respect by her skills...and her traing is the worse of then i have the experience first hand olso aside the training we have an course to learn the lenguage among then are the one of this region and japenese the last one if we met the jsdf aside from that the rest of the soldiers and the women get along very well..guess dispide be an diferent world we can still have friendly relationships"

journal entry end

an trinity hill the soldiers were pass the training camp section of the base as they start with the traning routine

{the trainings}

then pass to the next haft of the training hand to hand combat witch most the most important one since the sadera are melee fighters

after the training the soldiers take an break

artyom finally laid on the floor


ulman:guess you get into the last drop

artyom as the rest arrive

damir:damm dispide i already do this i feel my bones are gonnad crack

pavel:ja you tell me i almost vomit

anna sit on the floor tired

anna:for one moment i was gonnad pass out

jason:if that happen you father go crazy

stepan:is this the training back before the bombs fell was like? i wonder if we even human

idiot:believe it was the most intense along with the s.a.s training

alyosha:je i feel like the training sam give was the most easy one and he was an the marines 

sam:believe is hard but nothing compare to s.a.s i hear only 18% past the stage one of it

duke:damm! i wonder if we even survived to this training

lisa:is not that bad*check her arms*

jake:you keep quite just have edge because you have you superhuman abilities by the dark ones

lisa:that explain it{she see the cuts} i got 3 cuts an the knife fight

jake:i have 5


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