Arcade Fun

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Me and the girls pull up at the arcade parking lot and I feel nauseous again, I was feeling good singing along to the radio but then I saw the row of familiar bikes lined up by the entrance and that set me off.

"Guys i dont want to go in, this is all too much." I'm panicking now.

"Dont be stupid, we come here all the time and so do they, it's just this time we will be with them. If it gets awkward or weird we will just make our excuses and walk off." Heather says practically dragging me out of the car.

"Um no we wont, come on, we get to hang around with cool seniors your not gonna screw this up for me." Courtney pipes up "and why are you bitching you get to talk to Bobby and get over Michael and make him jealous."

"Wait that's not why I want to get to know Bobby, I've been crushing on him for ages and I do want to get to know him."

"Well get your aerobicsed ass in that arcade then and make your move and then maybe me and Heather can hook up with Johnny, Dutch or Jimmy now that would be fun."

"Yay I'm totally calling dibs on Johnny" Heather says.

"Yeah right dream on Heather Johnny is so mine, go with quiet Jimmy you definitely couldnt handle Dutch or Johnny."

I see Heather's face drop as we walk towards the arcade I dont get why she allows Courtney to always drag her down. Heather is a stunning red head and any guy would be lucky to have her.

I hook my arm in hers and whisper some encouragement in her ear "ignore her Johnny would totally go for you over stuck up Barbie." We both giggle at this and I feel more relaxed now.

We walk in and of course Courtney heads in first making her grand entrance flipping her long blonde  hair around, but it's me that Susan and Barbara call over which really grinds on Courtney I can tell.

They are standing there with Bobby, Tommy, Dutch, Johnny and Jimmy which is very daunting. They are all gathered around the air hockey table looking like movie stars and I realised I've never spoken to these guys before this.

As we approach I see Dutch whisper something to Bobby which makes him go red as the other guys laugh.

We all say hi and of course Courtney takes over "So what's the plan? What are we doing here.?"

I see Susan roll her eyes I dont think she likes Courtney, they always seem to butt heads at cheerleading practice, "well me and Tommy were thinking we could go play crazy golf and split up into teams, like me with Tommy oh and Bobby you could team with Jess here." We both flush red at this.

"Subtle Babe, real subtle as always." Tommy says laughing.

"Ugh count me out." Dutch says 

"Yeah me too." Johnny joins in shaking his head.

"Yeah so lame we can just stay here with you guys while they go and play couples golf." Courtney says looking hopefully at the two pretty blonde boys.

They nod in agreement but I dont think they realise that they didnt have a choice in the matter she would just follow them around anyway.

"Right then, I'll meet you guys back here to grab some food after then." I say then I hug Heather and whisper "be strong, dont let her bully you and make your move girl."

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