The Morning After

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I'm awoken by the feel of someone next to me, slowly trying to get of bed, carefully removing their arm from behind my head. 

My eyes snap open as I remember where I am and who I am with. 

"Hey I didnt mean to wake you." Bobby says softly. 

"Its ok, what time is it?" I say stretching out, as I take in the glorious sight of a shirtless Bobby standing above me, as he disappointingly slips his jeans back on.

"Not sure, its still quiet down there, I'm going to go to the bathroom, see who's about and check the time." He must see the sad look on my face that he is leaving me.

"I'll be back up shortly" he says as he leans down and kisses me on the top of my head making my heart soar "how you feeling now? Do you want or need anything?"

I smile up at him "I actually need the bathroom too and to freshen up and get changed...ah shit..Court has got my overnight bag damn her." 

"OK, borrow my shirt for now and I'll take you to the bathroom with me" He really is a gentleman.

We sneak out of the bedroom and walk down the corridor the place looks a mess, and I can hear chattering coming from some of the bedrooms amongst other sexual sounds which make us both giggle as we rush past.

Bobby stands guard at the door as I pop in, I try and straighten myself out with things I find in Tommys cupboards, I have a quick wash to remove last nights makeup, and have to use my finger as a toothbrush as I chew on some toothpaste trying in vain to remove my whiskey soaked morning breath.

When I feel I sort of look human, I swap places with Bobby and wait for him. We then head down to get a coffee, there is bodies lying sporadically around the floor but no one I really know and as its only 5.30am  we take our drinks back up to our upstairs sanctum.

We lock the door and sit back down on the bed to finish our coffee.

"So I want to apologise for ruining last night, I didnt mean to get so drunk. I was just so nervous I didn't eat properly yesterday and that clearly wasn't a good idea." I say realising I'm rambling.

He puts his arm around me and pulls me to him as he places a kiss on top of my head. "You don't have to apologise to me, and you didn't ruin anything if your talking about shouting at Dutch he deserved it and it wouldn't be a party if Dutch didn't get yelled at by a girl at least once" He laughs rubbing my shoulder.

"Yeah I just felt I embarrassed you and also I feel bad that well you know that nothing happened between us, I don't know what you were expecting to happen but I'm sure it wasn't falling asleep next to a drunken girl." I say smiling nervously.

"Look I wasn't expecting anything to happen, honestly but it is nice to wake up next to you and you look damn good in my shirt." He smiles as he puts down his cup and turns my head to face him so that he can kiss me. 

I truly could spend the rest of my days kissing this boy and never be bored. His lips are just so full and soft and he tastes amazing.

We both move in unison so that we are now lying down on the bed facing each other. His hands are in my hair gently pulling while my hands are tracing along the thick rope of muscles on his back.

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