Tommys Party Continued

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Shit, Courtney has seen them." I say to Bobby as I can see her just standing transfixed in one spot just staring at the gross scene in front of her. Dutch and the girl are practically dry humping each other not caring who sees them obviously.

"Jeez he really has no tact at all does he?" I say shaking my head as I try to get Courtneys attention by standing up and waving my hands.

She finally comes over and ive never seen her look so hurt.

"Go on say it im an idiot, how could I have been so stupid, I thought he liked me." She says as she sits down in front of me and Bobby, as she lights a cigarette I can see her hand is trembling.

"Courtney he is dick" I turn to Bobby "Sorry Bobby he is, thats a pretty shitty thing he has done there, no-one deserves to be treated like that."

"Yeah I'm not defending him at all, but that's Dutch sadly." Bobby says looking worried.

"You know I should have just fucked him last night, at least I would have got something out of it. But oh no I thought I would hold out on him, stupidly thinking that he would respect me, and see me as more than a one night stand." 

I've never seen this vulnerable side of her and my heart truly is breaking for her "oh sweetie don't sell yourself short, he doesn't deserve you and you are worth more than that, screw him."

She finishes her cigarette and visibly gives herself a shake "Fuck it and fuck that narcissistic asshole, I'm going to get drunk and party." Yep and then the old Courtney appears again as she gets up and struts off back into the party.

"Wow, I've never seen her like that, she really liked him Bobby and she never likes anyone." I watch as Dutch leads that girl into the house clearly for some privacy. "Ugh he is such a pig."

"Look Jess, Dutch is my friend but I don't want you to think that I'm anything like him and I wouldn't treat you like that ever." Ah that's why he look so worried early.

"I know youre nothing like him, thats why I like you." I say kissing him reassuringly.

"But I have to ask did he say anything to you about her? why has he gone so cold?" I say.

"Yeah ok, he did say something but don't shoot the messenger ok?" He says gripping my hand as he continues.

"Well he told us that he thought Courtney was a sure thing so went round for that reason, but when they didn't....well you know, he said he couldn't be bothered she was too much hard work for such little reward." He can see the look of pure disgust on my face.

"That bastard, I'm going to kill him." I'm fuming and can feel my face go hot.

"See i knew you would be pissed, its Dutch he just moves from girl to girl he has always been like that, but please dont judge me by my friends."

"I wont i promise, but don't expect me to be nice to that prick and if Johnny treats Heather that way I will kill him." 

He chuckles at this "I love how protective you are of your friends, but no I don't expect you to be nice to him and Johnny won't he really likes Heather, he told me that early so there's no worries there."

"OK thats fine, now let's change the subject and get back to the party oh and the kissing." I say leaning forward capturing his lips with mine.

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