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I straightened my dress and looked at the mirror. The dress was perfect on me, it was neither loose nor was it tight. It felt like this dress was made for me. It hugged my curves in the right place and the slit made it look even sexier. Cedric's sister had great sense of fashion. I had never seen a dress so perfect. I had not done much makeup but the dress enhanced my features. My straight hair reached my waist. I ran a hand through my hair. I definitely need a haircut.

I took a strand of my hair from the side, twisted it and pinned it. I took my phone and went out of the room. Lily had already left. I don't understand why did they organise Will's birthday somewhere else when they have such a huge house.

Cedric was typing on his phone. He looked up at me, then back to his phone and again at me, his eyes widening. He was staring at me continuously and it was making me uncomfortable. I took a deep breath.

"Kathleen, I know you are tired of hearing this but oh my god, you look damn pretty." He told me. I playfully rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Thank you. You have also cleaned pretty well." I told him. He smirked.

"Was that a compliment?" He said. I shrugged. "Let's go."

We went out and Cedric unlocked his car. I entered the passenger seat while he sat in the driver's seat. I wore my seatbelt and he started the engine.

I unlocked my phone and opened instagram. There were a numerous stories I had been tagged at by Liam, Giselle and Cedric. There were pictures from yesterday. I turned towards Cedric.

"Cedric, did I do something after I drank?" I seriously don't remember anything, not even a blurry version of yesterday.

"You really don't remember anything?" He asked, amusement clear in his face.

"I don't remember when I'm drunk." I shrugged. He shook his head. My phone started ringing and I saw Liv's name flashing on the screen. Shit I completely forgot to call her.

I picked up her call and kept it on speaker. "Hey!" I said.

"Emma, where have you been?" She yelled. "I have been trying to call you since yesterday."

"Liv-" I started but Olivia interrupted me, "If I have been calling you continuosly don't you think it must be important. You just ran away without even thinking about me. Whatever happened was between Taylor and you, why am I being a target in this." My phone was on speaker and Cedric was hearing every single word she said. He looked at me for a split second and then back on the road.

"Olivia, what happened? Why the fuck are you overreacting?" I told her. I really don't understand why is she acting this way.

"You seriously don't remember?" She said in disbelief. When I didn't say anything, she said, "I have my first shoot tomorrow and I am a fucking mess. And my sister is not even here." Oh fuck. I completely forgot about the shoot.

"Liv, don't stress over it. I'll be back as soon as possible. Do you really think I would miss your shoot?" I softly said.

"You'll be here, right?" She asked.

"Of course." I told her and kept the phone. Cedric's eyes were flickering between me and the road. I knew he wanted to say something but he was overthinking it. "What, Ced?"

"She needs to understand that you have a life." Cedric said. I know he said this because he genuinely cared about me but it's my sister he's talking about.

"Olivia is my sister." I said. He just tsked and that irritated me. "Cedric-"

"Kathleen, I really don't want to fight." He just said that. I rolled my eyes and started using my phone. This was frustrating. "Kathleen, I don't want to fight also indicates that I don't want you to be angry."

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