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"Cedric?" I said. I was looking for him in the whole house and finally found him in the kitchen. Why does he always go to the kitchen? "You know you should really work as a cook." I went towards the cabinet in search of something to eat.

"Kathleen, it is just one of my many hobbies." He said. I huffed at this.

"You weren't well I guess." I stated, still finding something to eat.

"Oh no no. I was absolutely fine. You just wanted to stay with me. Alone." I rolled my eyes. Cedric had been staying at my place because he wasn't well. Everyone was out for their respective reasons and I was stuck here with Cedric. And one thing that I realised by staying in the same house as him is that he is very annoying.

"The doctor said something completely different." I said and looked at him.

"And you didn't get anything to eat." He pointed out.

"No actually I was finding my chocolate. But I guess Olivia found it before me. I have told her so many times not to have my chocolate." He shook his head. My phone started ringing. I excused myself and picked up the call.


"Oh my god!" I heard Cedric shouting from his room. I rushed to his room to find him talking over his phone. "I thought this dickhead would never do it." Cedric looked at me. "Oh Kathleen's also here."

"Yes I am. What are you shouting about?" I asked. I sat on the bed. Cedric handed me his phone and it was Noah and Angie over FaceTime. I smiled at them and Angie showed me her hand. I didn't understand at first but then my eyes went to the beautiful diamond ring on her ring finger.

"Fuck. You're engaged. Oh my god! Show me the ring properly." She kept the phone in an angle which made the ring more clear. "The ring is beautiful, Ang." I said. "And Noah finally proposed."

"Yes he did. And guess what?" I raised my eyebrows. "We are having a Christmas wedding." Angie excitedly said. She was so happy. It was clear on her face.

"They are my bestfriends." Cedric said. I looked at him and made a disgusted face.

"Shut up Antonio." I told him.

"Yes Antonio shut up." Noah said, mocking me. I rolled my eyes.

"So Ang, tell me how did he propose?" I asked her and she almost jumped to answer that.

"Can you atleast use your phone?" Cedric said. Can he just stop blabbering? He's distracting our conversation.

"Why, is your girlfriend going to call you?" I told him.

"Even if she is, why would I tell you?" Cedric said. I took the pillow and kept it on my lap.

"I wouldn't be interested anyway." I said.

"Ugh you two! Will you let me talk?" Angie shouted.

"I will just sleep." Cedric said, completely lying on the bed. He kept his legs on top of the pillow on my lap. He is just finding ways to irritate me. "And Kathy, don't look at me while I am asleep. I find it creepy."

"Why, on earth, would I look at you?"

"Oh my god, you two." Angie said.

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