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I looked at myself in the mirror and I actually looked pretty nice. When Rachel gave me the dress, I was sceptical about it because I thought it was too much, but it wasn’t looking much. The one shoulder highlighted my collar bone and the rose gold shimmer complimented my skin tone, the dress highlighted my curves which Rachel said didn’t exist. I took my clutch and walked down the stairs, Olivia was sitting on the couch, waiting for me to come.

“Let's go.” I told her and she nodded. We went outside and saw Nate’s car outside. I went and sat on the backseat. “How are you, Nate?” I asked, he turned around and looked at me. “Everything is perfect, Emma. How are you?” I gave him a small smile. “Everything’s great.” Olivia got on the passenger seat and gave Nate a light kiss. “Shall we leave then” Nate said and Olivia nodded, a smile lingering on her face.

We reached there in no time, it wasn’t far from our place. Olivia and I were waiting for Taylor at the entrance while Nate was attending some work call he received. I spoke to Rachel, she was inside, making sure everything was perfect for the fashion show. A car came and stopped in front of me, and my idiot brother got out of the car along with Cedric. Cedric saw me and smiled, I returned the smile. He was wearing a dark green shirt and the collar was unbuttoned, through which a tattoo was peaking, so I was right about the tattoo. His sleeves were folded and there was a black band on his right wrist and a Rolex watch on his left wrist. “What took you so long?” I asked Taylor and he just shrugged, there was a bouquet of red roses in his hand. I looked at him with a smirk, “Stop making it obvious that you have a crush on my best friend, it’s weird.” I told him and he bit the inside of his cheeks. He shoved the roses at me and said, “Cedric brought this for her, but you keep it.” I shrugged and handed the flowers back to Cedric.

“We should go inside.” Cedric said, taking the flowers from me. “You people go, I’ll come with Nate.” Olivia said, I nodded and we went inside. We sat on the seats allocated for us, I was sitting between Taylor and Cedric. Olivia came in after a few moments along with Nate, she came and sat next to Taylor. Lights dimmed and soft music started playing. The show started and all the models started walking down the ramp one after the other and seeing the dresses really made me proud of my best friend. We always used to talk about this day, and Rachel had always all the details planned about it while I would talk about the after-party because I was a party freak back then. My day used to start with a hangover and ended with a hangover, it was so simple back then, no worries about anything. I miss those days.

Soon the fashion show came to an end, there was a huge round of applause along with cheers from some people. Everyone loved it and I was thrilled because she made it. The crowd dismissed and I went towards the backstage to find Rachel. She was talking to someone, I waited till the conversation was over and then went and hugged Rachel tightly. “It was amazing!” I told her. “I’m so proud of you, babe.” Rachel gave me a cheeky smile. “Thank you!” Rachel said. “You know who I was talking to right now?” I raised my eyebrows. “He was a producer of a movie, whose filming is starting in  six months. And he offered to design the dresses for the movie.” She gushed. That was an  amazing news. Rachel deserved it all. “Congratulations, that is so amazing.” I told her.

“I know right. This is the best day of my life.” I smiled. “Thank you so much for being my biggest supporter.” I hugged her again and we went outside, everyone was praising Rachel on the way out. I saw Cedric and Taylor waiting for us, we went towards them. “That was a hell lot of amazing, Rachel.” Cedric said with a smile. “Thank you.” She said giving him a side hug. “It was the best.” Taylor said, hugging Rachel. “Thanks. Where’s Olivia? And what about Sam and Evan.” Rachel asked, looking for others. “Sam and Evan are off on a business trip and Olivia must be somewhere over here.” I told her. “Uh there she is.” Olivia came towards us along with Nate. They too praised Rachel and then we went outside. Rachel and I got in the car with Taylor and Cedric. Cedric was driving, Taylor was in the passenger seat and we were sitting in the back seat. Olivia and Nate went together in Nate’s car. We reached the club in no time, I got out of the car, Cedric handed his car keys to the valet and we entered the club. Seeing the club reminded me how Taylor got it in the first place and how he has worked his ass off for this club. He used to work all day and night for it. This club is like his baby.

There were a hell ton of people. We all took a table and we sat there, drinks were served to us. Nate and Olivia joined us and Taylor has vanished. He was probably busy hitting on some girl. I saw Nate and Cedric talking, Cedric can literally start a conversation with anyone like they have been friends forever. “Let’s dance.” Olivia told Nate, he gave his hand to Olivia and they went to the dance floor. Cedric was in his phone and Rachel’s eyes were wandering, like she was looking for someone. “Rachel, I need to talk to you.” Cedric said, keeping his phone down. “Yes?” Rachel said. “Alone. If you don’t mind, Kathleen.” Cedric told me.

“Oh no why would I mind.” I told them. They went somewhere while I was left sitting alone. I took a sip of the martini and started using my phone. “Hey.” Someone said, I looked up and saw a guy standing in front of me. He was wearing a button-up blue shirt, with a black jeans. His blond hair was set back, and a small dimple was visible in his right cheek. He looked really familiar, why do I forget people so easily? I gave him a small smile. “Is this seat taken?” He said with a charming smile. I shook my head, keeping my phone aside. “Not at the moment.” He sat opposite me and said, “Can I buy you a drink."

“Can I buy you a drink?” I said with a smirk and he chuckled. “I like it.” He said, adjusting the sleeves of his shirt. “And you don’t remember me.” He said. “Should I?” So I was right about him. I knew him but from where. He raised his eyebrows. “Harry. Harry William.” He said his full name and that is when I realised who he was. “We were in high school together.” We said in unison. “Oh of course. How can I forget the teacher’s pet?” I said, with a smile. “I just liked to follow the rules. That doesn’t make me a-“ I cut him off and said, “Oh yeah, it does. I cannot count the number of times I had to attend detention because of you.” High school feels like yesterday. When did time pass so quickly?

“And every boy hated me in school because their precious Emma Brown was troubled because of me.” He said with a weird expression. High school was so amazing, everything was so easy back then. All we had to worry about was what to wear and how to make the best of our time there. “It was your fault.” I shrugged, taking another sip of my martini. “I should definitely make it up to you then. How about an apology dinner?"

“Sounds good.” He got up and was standing for a while looking at me. “What?” I asked. He gave me a look and said, “Let’s go.” I folded my hands against my chest, “Now?!” I asked, raising my eyebrows. “I have to make up for it and when is the better time to do it other than now. “ He said. “Come on, Emma. Get up.” I playfully rolled my eyes and got up. We started walking towards the exit, “Ah, I forgot to say something.” He said. “What?” I asked, “You look stunning.” I smiled at him. “I know.” I said and he shook his head, a smile lingering on his face.

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