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"Blue or white.” I looked up from my phone and saw Rachel holding two dresses. Rachel was on a shopping spree and she dragged me with her saying that we haven’t had a ‘best friend’s day out’ since a very long time. She picked me up from my place, took me to the salon and forced me to do something new with my hair because apparently I looked boring now. But I refused to do anything new with my hair, I love my hair the way it is. She definitely got a new haircut while I got my nails done, my eyes went to my nails, I kept my nails short and it was violet in colour. I loved the colour violet, I had this obsession with violet colour when I was in college that I coloured my hair violet.

“Stop obsessing over your nails and tell me, which one.” I rolled my eyes and looked back at her. “You’re going to buy both of them, we all know that.” I shrugged. A smug smile spread across her face, “You know me very well.” I do know her very well and I also know the fact that there is something going on with her and I have noticed this since after the movie night. First, I thought maybe she was stressed about the fashion show but if she was stressed because of that she wouldn’t be here shopping with me when the show was just around the corner, she would be working her ass off. It was something else and shopping was her stress-buster, the only reason I’m here with her today or else I wouldn’t have been here.

After shopping for a while, I bought a high-heeled boots, a stilettos, a few dresses and a watch. And Rachel had emptied the mall, almost.  We got out and kept the shopping bags in the car and walked down to a nearby restaurant which was famous for Chinese, my favourite cuisine. I ordered food for us while Rachel was on a call with her assistant, giving them instructions related to the fashion show. She shouted over something, Rachel was the most calm person I knew and this was probably the second or third time I have heard her shouting. Something was definitely going on with her. She kept her phone and I rested my hands on my chin and gave her a look. She gave me a confused look. The food came and it was served to us.

“What’s the matter, Rach?” I asked her. She was fidgeting with the fork in her hand. “Rach?” I called her again. She looked up from her food and gave me a small smile, which definitely didn’t match her eyes. “What?” She said. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” She picked up her phone and started checking something, I snatched her phone from her, “Em!” She shouted.

“What the hell is up with you?” I asked her. She took a deep breath, her eyes lingering on her phone which was in my eyes. “Nothing. Why would you think something’s going on?” She said. I squinted my eyes. “Rachel, drop the act and tell me what’s going on because you also know I won’t leave you until you tell me.”

Rachel groaned, “Why do you always have to do this?” I looked at her as to waiting for her to say what’s going on with her.. “So, the thing is I might have kissed someone.” She said taking pauses.

“Okay, so what’s the big deal. It’s just a kiss.”  I told her. I have never seen Rachel so worked up over a kiss, there’s definitely something else going on. She took a deep breath. “Its not that simple, this time it’s complicated. And I don’t even like the fact that it was just a kiss, I want more but I know it’s not possible.” She said. “Why is it complicated,” Rachel’s eyes widened. “Is it someone from work?” I asked. She nodded vigorously, “Yes, yes! He’s from work.” She said in a panic voice. I slightly nodded.

“Do you like that person?” I asked her, taking a small bite of my food. She shrugged and started fidgeting with her food. “I don’t know. It’s complicated. I didn’t feel a thing for him but since the kiss, things have been awkward. I shouldn’t have kissed him at the very first place. But you know what, forget it. I just don’t want to discuss it.” She dodged the topic and took her phone from me. “But-“ I spoke but she shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about it, Em.” She said. She called the waiter and asked for bill.

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