No control

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"Thanks for helping me Jennifer" Maddox says, from the driver's seat. I nod without hesitation, as I throw my backpack in the back. Facing forward, I rub my right eye as my left arm reaches  over me, pulling the seat belt.  We both sit in silence as I clicked it in and wait for him to start the car. 

"I miss you." He mumbles. 

"These couple months haven't been the same without you" He says, looking out the window. 

"I'm starting to hate the fact that you're in and out of my life"

I turn my head to the side. Giving him a small smile, I reach over and give his hand that rests on the steering wheel a hard squeeze. 

"Miss you too" I say, quietly. He lets out a nervous chuckle as a blush overtook his face.  The mask of my disguise, slowly started to fade away.  Warmness ran through me from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. Leaning back in my seat, I faced forward.

"Let's go find Daxon." I say.

From the corner of my eye, I see Maddox's jaw clench as he gave me a short nod. Inserting the keys he backed out of my driveway, making a sharp turn. He quickly pushes the gas, causing my head to be pushed back against the headrest. 

"Slow down." I said, firmly. He stared at me from the corner of his eye as he eased on the gas pedal. 

 Unknown tension filled up the air as we continued to drive forward. My surrounds dramatically changed as I left farther and farther from home.  Homeless people walked by, disappearing into a blur. Dim city lights unfocused. 

"Where are we?" I asked distractedly, as I finally turned away from the window. He sat in silence as his fingers tapped against the steering wheel to the faint  music of  the radio. 

"Downtown" He finally mumbled. I furrow my eyebrows as I shook my head. 

"No it isn't" I say, pointing outside the window. Giving me a quick glance, he shook his head. 

"It is. No one comes around this small area anymore." He says as he leans forward, hunched over the steering wheel. He continues to search outside through the windshield. 

I stare at girls walking across the street with heels and clothes barely covering parts on their exposed bodies. 

People walking around, with blankets wrapped around them

 We continue to drive around in silence until I hear Maddox turn off his headlights, I quickly turn away from the window. 

"Why'd you do that?" I asked, in an anxious tone. He gives me a quick glance before answering. 

"I've been here many more times than my fingers could count. I know the way around." He said before making a slow turn around the corner. Tents surrounded the area as wires laid stretch out in the street. 

"Turn them on" I pleaded, desperately as I leaned away in fear that somebody might open the door and pull me out. Seeing my action, he pressed a button on his door, causing all the doors to lock.  

"I can't" 

"Yes you fucking can!" I shouted upset. I see him sigh as he shakes his head. 

"Jennifer, you're in a part of town that junkies live in, tell me. " He paused as he took another slow turn. 

"If you were a person living around here, you saw a nice car with headlights lighting the whole darkness that surrounds you........what would you do?" He asked. As he parked the car next to an dark abandoned house.  I looked around, before answering. 

"Probably rob you but that's just me" I shrugged. He stared at me as his pierced his lips. 

"Oh" I said as realization kicked in,  making his point clear. I hear him sigh again before going to unlock his door. 

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