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I hear faint beeping in the background of my sleep. 

 Inhaling, I feeling cold air rush inside my nostrils. I flutter my eyelids open and squint seeing a bright light above. 

 I quickly sit up but stop my movements once I feel a needle pull from under my skin.  My eyes dart over to Maddox who's curled up in a sofa chair sound asleep. 

My heart rate sped up causing the beeping to increase as fear settled in the pit of my stomach. As if knowing I was awake, his eyes fly open and dart towards me.

In an instant he was over me, patting my hair away from my forehead. I look around me towards the hospital room. I open and shut my mouth being puzzled about my whereabouts. 

"Where's Fenix?" I ask puzzled as my eyes dart up to find his. His eyes widen as he shakes his head. 

"What did you say?" He asked, puzzled. 

"Fenix, where's Fenix?" I repeated. His mouth fell open as he quickly turned around and marched over to the door. After shouting for a doctor, he returns back to my side massaging my hand that had an IV needle sticking out of it. 

I stared at him puzzled, waiting for him to answer my question. Ruby enters the room along with a doctor in a white coat holding up a clipboard. He quickly rushes to my side checking my vitals and heart rate. 

"What's going on?" I asked as my eyes darted up to the three of them. Ruby wore a red blouse along with some greenish slacks, her glasses upright against the bridge of her nose.  My eyes darted over to Maddox who wore the same outfit he had on the last time I saw him. 

"Miss Monroe, Do you know where you are?" The Doctor spoke up besides me. I turned to face him, giving him a short nod. 

"Hospital, I'm guessing" I say as I dart my eyes over to Maddox. The doctor nods before turning around to fully face me, clutching the clipboard against his chest. 

"What day is it?" He asked.  Fear ran through me as I turned to face Ruby. 

"What's happening?  Where's Fenix?" I asked again. She frowns before lowering her gaze at the floor. Maddox crosses his arms as he stares between me and the Doctor. 

"Miss Monroe, you were unresponsive for two days. You were breathing on your own, your heart rate was normal" He paused as he pressed his lips together. 

"But your brain was unresponsive until today, in which you woke up" He said motioning with his hand towards me. I shook my head while my mouth fell ajar. 

"I don't understand" I say glancing at Ruby and Maddox. 

"Jennifer, you were brain dead for two days." Ruby says quietly. I shook my head again not believing. 

"No I wasn't. I remember the club and Fenix"  I try reasoning.  Ruby nods her head as she ushers me to continue. 

"Right, we were in the club and then you passed out. Jace said, he bought you a dirty martini but we found out that the bartender mistakenly gave you another costumers order. The drink was fixed with something and it did something to you" She says shaking her head, puzzled. 

"Probable cause, I would like to think that you were very dehydrated and the drug you in took made everything ten times worse for you. It was sudden but that's the only thing reasonable. Have you ever taken drugs before?" He asked me.  I shook my head as I fidgeted with my thumb. 

"It's logical" He says, nodding his head. I swallowed as I nodded, still not being able to process everything. 

"So I was in a coma?" I blurt out, interrupting a conversation he was starting to have with Maddox about any side affects.  He pressed his lips together before shortly nodding. 

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