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I quickly brush my hair before tying it up into a messy bun. I trace over my cheekbone, my eyes dart down to the slightly healed cuts on my knuckles.  

I swallow before smiling at my reflection. 

"You're okay" I whisper to myself. I roll my lips inside my mouth, thinking about changing my barbell piercing to an eyebrow ring. 

"Jennifer!" I hear Maddox shout down the hall. I turn just in time seeing Maddox barge into my room. His eyes travel down my choice of clothes that contain of my new pair of combat boots, a black crop top and a faded pair of jean shorts with fishnets underneath.  

"Where are you going dressed like that?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. I narrow my eyes at him, seeing his serious change of demeanor. 

"Oh please" I say, trying to come up with something. He still didn't budge. 

"Maddox I'm seventeen, I think I could choose my choice of clothes" I say carefully. A smile peaks out from his face but he tries covering it up with a cough.


I turn back around fixing my hair and debating about putting eyeliner on. I see him chuckle, through the mirror as he eyes me from behind. 

"So what's with you and fishnets?" He asked, coming closer behind me. I roll my eyes as I tug on the strands that frame my face.

"I like them"

"Why don't you go try the new trending styles or something?" He suggests as he stares at the new dresser I bought Dax.  

His hands smooth over the tan patterns unlike the other one that has splinters here and there due to both mine and Daxon's aggravation episodes.  He slides his hand off before glancing at me through the mirror. 

"I like being different. Why be the same if you could be somebody that stands out" I say, emphasizing the word with my hands.  He chuckles before coming closer behind me and pressing a kiss to my cheek. 

I blush, looking down at my boots. I tugged on a stray strand that stuck out of my ripped shorts. 

"Where you going?" He asked again as he took a few steps back. I looked back up at the mirror and smiled at him before turning around to face him. 

"I'm going with Ruby to have fun. It's her day off today" I say, flashing him my million dollar smile. His eyebrows rose in surprisement. 

"And she didn't even invite me" He says shocked, holding a hand against his chest in disbelief.  I shook my head, scrunching up my nose. 

"No, she said the last time she went to dinner with you, you embarrassed her" I say, chuckling. His cheeks tint with redness as he shakes his head. 

I turn back around, biting the inside of my cheek. 

"Maddox, do you think" I paused as my nerves kicked in.  I sighed before lifting my gaze back up at him. 

"Do you think he still loves me?" I whispered, referring to Dax.  He scoffed and shook his head. 

"Why do you do that? You always doubt, whether it's him or you." 

"I" I paused as I sighed. 

"He doesn't want to see me anymore Maddox. I go and sit there and wait and wait" 

"It's the same thing all the time, twice a week." I say tiredly,  scratching my forehead. 

"I don't know if he's oka-" 

"He's fine" Maddox says, cutting me off. I swallow as I nod. 

Looking back up at him, I shrug. 

"But how do I know that for sure." I asked him timidly. He stayed quiet as he nodded to himself. We stood there in silence until the beeping of Ruby's car brought us both out of our troubled thoughts.  

Ruined ll Book 1Where stories live. Discover now