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'Who said you'll have any of that with me'

I stare blankly at him as those words continue to ring in my head. I see him swallow, his eyes never leaving mine as he waits for my reaction. I wait for my eyes to glisten with tears but surprisingly, there isn't. 

There's just confusion and pause. 

He looks away from me before looking back down and pressing tiny kisses all over my face. I give a small smile before he drapes an arm around my shoulder and starts pulling me off the table. He walks us in silence towards the car with me snuggled right besides him. 

I stay mute not knowing if he was serious or not. 

My breathing silently hitches as he slides in besides me, his hands holding onto the steering wheel firmly as if he was afraid to let go. He stays still, looking ahead to the playground containing children. 

Catching me off guard, he turns on the car and quickly reverses out. I stare at the frightened, wide eyed mothers who pushed the strollers in front of us.  My attention drifts down to the stroller for a second and see a blue beanie on a baby before it's all gone. 

I stare down at the dark inked tattoo on my leg. Looking up, I see his anxiously tattooed hand tapping against the wheel. Pressure applied on my chest knowing that something was wrong, knowing that something was about to happen. 

My gut twisted and turned almost making me want to puke. 

I glance at Dax seeing his chest heave up and down. His eyes darted towards all of his surroundings in front of him. My gut instinct knew something was about to happen, when he pulled over to the side of the road in front of a Bakery.

 I swallowed as I see him lowering down the window quickly and sticking his head out for fresh air. 

I slipped out the car needing fresh air as well but mostly to get myself and my anxiety together. Slamming the door shut behind me, I moved over to the side of the hood and leaned my lowered back against it. My lungs filled with relief from inhaling the cold breeze as it  invaded my nostrils due to the climate quickly changing, just like the tension between us now. 

I lowered my tilted head down to my shoes feeling his stare on me. Seconds later, I felt the car shift and the door slam shut. I hear his footsteps as he leans against the hood right besides me. Silence and time consumed us as we stared at the people on the sidewalk doing their daily doings. 

'Who said you'll have any of that with me?'

I tightly shut my eyes trying to drown out those words but it was no use, they continued to ring in my head like a smooth symphony. I rub my forehead trying to massage away the headache that was quickly forming. 

"Y-you told me, you loved me?" I say shaking my head, making it sound more like a question. He stays quiet not knowing how to respond as he stared at the red curb.  I swallowed as I lowered my hand fidgeting with my fingers as more pressure was added to my chest. 

"You're leaving me for McKenzie, if yo-" 

"She isn't in the picture anymore Jennifer" He said, firmly. His head whipped to the side to face me. I clamped my mouth shut as I stared up at him memorize my features. 

"This is about me" He says pointing at himself. 

"This is about you" He pointed over at me.  He lowered his hand, shoving it back into his pocket as he looked away from me. This is unclear for me, this is unfocused. 

This is unexpected. 

"I left with her" He breathed out, swallowing. 

"Because I thought it was best for you. You deserve happiness and the only way you'll get it..... is without me being in your life. I've brought so much pain for you" He paused as he tried keeping his voice steady. 

Ruined ll Book 1Where stories live. Discover now