Diary Entry #?????

424 37 2

I was supposed to visit the egg today. I didn't get to.

I had it all planned honestly, I scheduled it for today and packed with all the necessary tools should I ever need them. I had packed several potions, food, papers, and pens so that I wouldn't be in any real danger and would be able to note down everything I could. The egg is a threat, though to which degree I'm not entirely sure of yet. It's much better to come over-prepared rather than under-prepared. It's not a total loss, it's not like I couldn't use any of those for future visits anyway. What's more pressing is the thing that distracted me from my original goal in the first place.

Ranboo passed by me earlier acting all weird. It looked like he came from the direction of the community house. I have no idea what he was doing there, but it didn't look like it had a good effect on him at all. It almost seemed like he was zoned out and in a daze, like he was an entirely different person. He was also largely unresponsive. He didn't even wave or say hi like he normally does when we come across each other, he just passed me like I was some stranger. I even called out to him and got no response.

Naturally, I decided to follow him. The egg could always wait, it seemed to be stationary. Besides, it wasn't just for information. I was also concerned for him, because he seemed really out of it. I didn't want him to get into any danger. There's also always the off-chance that this was something in direct correlation to the egg. It messes with people's minds, right? So it could've certainly done something to him... especially since he's part enderman. I don't think he can use the holy water as a repellent to the egg since it might do him more harm than good.

Regardless, I tried tailing him for a bit. He didn't even seem to notice me, because if he did then he clearly didn't care. Of course, eventually I failed. I always do I always do I always do I always fucking do I'm such a failure I can't do anything right I can't I can't It's not a surprise though, considering he has much longer legs than me and walked at a much faster pace. Before long, I just completely lost him. With how tall and distinctive his appearance is, you'd think I would be able to find him eventually but nope. I kept looking around and everything, but there was still no sign of him.

Well, that is until he sent a message in global chat through the communicator. I still didn't gain anything from it, though. It was a bunch of unfamiliar symbols that I couldn't even decode. From the looks of it, no one else could either especially with Punz's reaction. I'm still keeping it in mind for future reference, though. I ended up rushing to write it down before the code was drowned in the sea of other messages, and headed to my old library to see if any of the books remaining held some sort of hint or key to finding the real meaning behind this. I didn't end up finding anything, but I'll continue to do research with the rest of the books in the new library.

You know, now is a good time to bring up how I feel a strange sort of connection with Ranboo. Maybe it's the fact we both have considerable memory problems, though no one else knows of mine. I don't know exactly. I just feel the urge to confront him about... something. I don't know what yet. It's like I'm drawn to him for some reason, like the universe is giving me some sort of nudge towards him. But you know I can't just do that. I can't just approach him without any real rhyme or reason, and tell him it's just because my gut feeling tells me there's something going on with him. I can't do anything about it yet, but I'll definitely make sure I'll address this eventually.

Any scrap of information is valuable, you know. I can't brush even the littlest things aside. The smallest tugs, the most random compulsions, the deep rooted feelings are all things I cannot ignore if I want to make any kind of progress. New information is new information, and it'll be useful eventually. Even unused, it adds to my arsenal of things to work with. I have to make sure I don't miss anything, and that I write everything down so I can go back to them when I do forget.

Til next time. Remember who you are.



He can only look on sadly as his fiancé balls his hands into fists tightly in frustration and bangs it against the desk.

He doesn't know much, but he can tell there's something going on between the other man and the faction related to the egg. He doesn't remember what it's called anymore, or who's in it, but surely it's bad if it involves the egg and upsets his fiancé. He doesn't know what to do other than come up behind him and give him a hug as a small form of comfort.

The man with the kind voice dressed in black... he had done this, right? He made his fiancé like this, confused and sad and broken. They had a disagreement... and they fought... and they were torn apart. He's sure none of them really meant to do so. They seemed to be friends, in the beginning at least. He doesn't know. He doesn't really remember the beginning anymore. Either way, they ended up like this, with his fiancé vowing to do something about the man and the egg with whispered promises and muttered curses.

Drew? Jack? Quackity was going to go through with this endeavor alone, he realizes. This would be his call to make, his battle to fight. There was no stopping him. There was a burning passion in his eyes that was so very reminiscent of more hopeful times, a fire from deep within that he is all too familiar with. After all, it was the very same flame that flickered from the depths of his being when he had first discovered his unique ability, the very same flame that cradled the embers of his blazing desire to do what is right and to do it on his own. It was the very same flame, fueled by love and loss, that had guided him onto his solitary path with only himself and his words on paper to trust.

He sees the beginnings of that very same inferno in the way Quackity gently pushes him back and says something about having to go somewhere and check on something. He didn't have to lie, really. Both of them knew full well he was going to prepare for something, for a plan that he would plan out by himself and carry out by himself. Both of them knew that he would not let anyone else accompany him on this journey.

He would stop Quackity gladly... if it didn't make him a hypocrite.

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