Diary Entry

429 39 31

I think I know why Ranboo was acting so weird last time.

Sapnap? talked about how he went to visit Dream in prison. I don't quite know why he talked about it like it was such a big thing, but I don't bring it up because I don't really need to. I'm always here to listen to him anyway, no matter what he wants to talk about. He said Dream was really quiet, and seemed really upset over it for some reason. Well, it kind of makes sense, I would be a bit bummed out if I went all the way for someone only for them not to talk to me. He said he was mostly just running a one-sided conversation, spending most of their time in tense silence waiting for Dream to finish writing out a response in a notebook. He said things about trying to repair broken friendships, making it clear that he wouldn't let Dream escape, promising to keep visiting with George, but most of all...

He said Dream asked him to send a message, which was to be given to Ranboo.

That was news to me, so of course I asked him to elaborate. Thankfully, I made sure I didn't forget a single detail of it. Everything lines up. He said they met up at the community house, which is in the direction I saw Ranboo coming from. The timing is also correct, because I remember him leaving not too long before I left for the egg. That should've given him time to go through all the safety procedures in the prison and talk to Dream.

What doesn't line up to me, however, is the sheer effect a simple smiley face had on Ranboo.

Sapnap even showed me the piece of paper itself. It's so unsettling it's so creepy it's so eerie I hate it I really hate it please get it away from me It seems pretty harmless in and of itself honestly, it just looks like the one on Dream's mask. If that invoked such a visceral reaction from Ranboo, then that's especially worrying. He's definitely going through something, and it has something to do with Dream. There's something more to this. I need to investigate it too eventually, especially if Dream and Ranboo are connected somehow. I just hope the kid is okay, it must be rough...

Dream is familiar, but not in the way you'd expect. Yes, I know him, but I feel like I know more to him than I was previously aware of. I get a strong sense of uneasiness and a bittersweet taste on my tongue whenever I get reminded of him, and I'm sure it's not entirely attributed to my general distaste for the bad things he's done. There's a deeper connection there somewhere, either buried in my memories or lost to travels in time. I feel compelled to look into this somehow. It's just a gut feeling, but it's all I have to guide me. I have no real direction when it comes to this, and if I can't trust my own subconscious then I can't trust anyone.

I need to ask him about something... everything... I don't know yet, but I know I have to go see him. Yes, I plan to visit Dream in prison. It's considerably safer than going to the egg anyway, with all its security measures and with Sam ensuring my wellbeing. The egg is far too unpredictable, and I could be walking away having lost more than I gained if it does decide to take over my mind. The prison is also risky, yes, but as of now I have too many questions and too little answers and just the right amount of time on my hands. I shouldn't brush Dream aside so easily when he's clearly exhibited that he knows something the others don't, that he has powers and motivations beyond our understanding.

If I'm being honest, I'm not entirely sure how big of a role this will play in the long run. I think this will prove to be of some significance in the very least, if we take the Lost City of Mizu into consideration. A descendant of Ranboo that has ended up worshipping Dream, in a future whose history could not be further from the truth... it's certainly food for thought. I don't even know if Dream and Ranboo's connection is in direct correlation to that, or if it's merely a series of natural information loss over generations and lucky coincidences. If this points to something bigger, then I've gathered the first puzzle piece already. If nothing else, I believe I'll get some answers to solve my own personal questions.

I have to go and prepare myself, both mentally and physically. I don't doubt that the prison visit will be a tense one, judging from what I've heard of Sapnap's own experience. Worst case scenario is that I don't get a single response at all, and I'm left at a dead end. Perhaps I could even coax Dream into talking if I ask interesting questions... I'll have to think about it clearly later. For now, I have to organize the rest of the books that came in. I can't work properly in a messy environment.

Til next time. Remember who you are.



"Are you okay?"

He blinks at the two people standing in the doorway of the new library, both of them slowly walking towards the shelf where he was arranging books. The shorter one of them has a suit on, a little bit wrinkled and tousled much like the dark blue beanie plopped haphazardly on his head. The taller one of them has a bandana wrapped around his forehead and is fully decked out from head to toe in armor, dark like netherite and shimmering with the telltale glow of enchantments. There's something intense in the way they're looking at him, like they're scrutinizing him and peering through the windows of his very soul. He shifts in place, not entirely sure how to react to this.

They seem awfully familiar, but he just couldn't for the life of him remember how.

"W... why wouldn't I be?" He mutters nervously, averting his gaze. He fiddles with his sweater, playing with the soft pink and yellow fabrics at the front of his sleeves while he awaits a response. He silently hopes they'll drop it and carry on, but it doesn't seem entirely possible anymore.

"You've just been really distant lately. You're always going off on your own, always have your nose buried in a book or writing something in one. It feels like we haven't seen you around much in the past few months, and..." The one in the beanie trails off, and there's a palpable tension of sorts in the air between them. No one quite knows what to say to add to that, but the silence is eventually broken by the one in the white bandana.

"Are you hiding something from us?"

It comes back in bright flashes, images of diary entries and old structures and water domes all piercing through his thought process like knives that make him shed blood and tears. Distantly, he feels a droplet run down the expanse of his cheek and feels his hands tremble slightly at his sides as nails dig into them with far too much force. He doesn't register that they've moved until he feels himself being pressed into a warm chest, leaning back slightly in surprise to find that he's being hugged from behind as well. He crumbles in the affection, burying his face in the crook of a neck as familiar arms wrap around his shaking frame and hold him like he's the most precious thing in the world. He doesn't feel like he's worthy of that right now, when he's oh so helpless and lost and just broken beyond repair as the consequence of messing with time.

"It's okay if you are." The one in the bandana whispers reassuringly into his ear, and he relaxes considerably. They're both soothing, cozy and comfortable and he doesn't want to let them go ever again. "It's okay if you don't tell us yet. We're just worried. We want to help, you know? We don't like to see you suffering or in pain."

He agrees with that sentiment, he thinks. He doesn't like to see them suffering or in pain either. He doesn't like to see a bloody head crushed between two bookshelves, a limp corpse with a gaping wound in the chest, two bodies sprawled on the ground with bullet holes decorating both torsos. He doesn't like to see them like that at all, and he doesn't want to see them like that ever again.

"A little bit." He breathes out shakily, leaning into the familiar warmth like it's the only thing keeping him in a coherent state of mind. It might be. Who knows? "I'm just hiding a little bit. It's just a small problem. I can handle it on my own, don't worry." I should be, I should handle it on my own, I should be I should be I should be I can't burden anyone with this I can't bother anyone I can't rely on anyone I need to do this on my own I can't tell anyone I can't I can't I ca−

"You sure?"

"I'm sure. I'll be okay."

It sounds less like he's trying to convince them and more like he's trying to convince himself.

Letters Lost in Time - Karl JacobsWhere stories live. Discover now