6. A brand new start

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© VeGirl 2014

The photo belongs to one of the talented artist on deviantart; mjranum please check out her fantastic photos. No copywrite infringement intended.

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While Maria accompanied a stunning Maya who couldn't get enough of her own reflection for the first time in her life, Arnaud sat in the restaurant where they would meet up. His business meetings had been successful and the crisis from this morning was averted. Now he sat there with a glass of vodka on the rocks, swirling it in his glass and sipping it. It had been years ago when his preference for vodka had been fortified. It had been a woman who had changed his life when his family had left him all alone in the world. He would be forever grateful to that woman who had made him see that life existed in a way where you could control what happened around you. Cezanne had been a mentor for him for a few years before they went separate ways.

A buzz went through the air of the restaurant and Arnaud looked up to find a stunning woman who made every mans head turn to get a second glance of her as she walked by in high heels and a red dress with slits up to her thighs. Unused to this kind of attention, she looked down, looking like she wanted to hide. Like a punch in the stomach he realised that this was his Maya and he stood up immediatelly.

Her eyes locked into his as she walked past every man no matter how much they looked for her attention; efficiently ignoring them.

All his blood gathered in a bodypart that deprived his brain of enough nutrition to make thinking elaborate and calculated. He was on the verge of drooling and that specific bodypart of his constantly twitched anxiously to get close to her.

A part of Maya was angry with him for putting her through this day's degrading procedure, but another part still wanted to please him.

"My beautiful Mayako..." he said and all her defences rumbled. "Look at you! You are stunning!" He kissed her cheeks which blushed after noticing that certain glow in his roaming eyes. After the kiss he held her on an armslength to give her a good look over. "How does it feel to know that every man here wants you?" he whispered and she gasped.

Her eyes widened in horror as she stared at him, but the lower part of her stomach started to get warm and tingle alarmingly. As his eyes noticed the hardened nubs on her chest, they were straining to escape straight out through the tight red dress, yearning for his touch.

He kissed her cheek again. "Sit," he simply said and she did. Her body was on full alert where she sat dead still as he ordered wine and dinner for them. Arnaud noticed how her breathing was heaving her chest and his body reacted instinctively. "How was your day?" He feigned casualty as soon as the waitress had left their table.

"Painful," slipped out of her.

"Good," he replied and Maya's mouth might have fallen open in surprise. He couldn't stop himself from teasing her. "Maria says your puss is beautiful and I can't wait for you to show it to me."

She just opened and closed her mouth a few times while her cheeks heated. She was unable to come up with anything to say. She could barely form the words in her mind; did he refer to her... her...? Images of a scenario where she actually did show him her... privates... flowed through her mind, heightening the body heat further.

The waitress arrived with wine for them and Arnaud raised his glass. "Here's to a brand new start, ma petite..." His mouth curved upwards in a wicked way.

Maya couldn't say anything and her hand trembled as she sipped the red liquid. "It was humiliating," she whispered. As she heard nothing from him she peaked up at him to find that certain glow that pushed all air out of her lungs. It was that same glow that Miss Kimura used to have, but so much more intense.

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