3. Business

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© VeGirl 2014

"So you had a crush on your boss?" Zoe's voice snapped Maya back to the present time.

"Yes, no... I don't want to talk about it." The feelings closed in on her and even if they were fond memories, it seemed too personal to tell someone who never knew Arnaud. "We'll continue some other time." Albeit Zoe's disappointed face it was decided. "It's late and I need my beautysleep."

Zoe was directed to the guestroom because Maya needed to be alone with her thoughts. As soon as silence and darkness surrounded her, the memories swirled its way back in her mind.

"Miss Kato, why aren't you with your friends. Why are you sitting here with me?"

Arnaud was sitting on the couch of his office and Maya sat on the floor next to him, reading her dictionary and practicing writing in the European way which she found very hard.

Maya looked up and swallowed hard. "Do you want me to go?" Her heart was pounding; was he about to send her away? "Onegaisihmasu.. s'il vous plait..." She bowed down on the floor. "Please let me stay."

His heart plummeted right down into his pants. "Mayako..." His voice held a clear warning as he stood up.

"S'il vous plait..." Maya mumbled and felt her heart break.

The way she bowed did strange things as he knew it would. "Mayako...?" he repeated and tried to grab her arm but she moved away, still on her knees with her face respectfully towards the floor.

"S'il vous plait," she choked and tears welled up in her eyes. "Please don't send me away, I will do anything..."

"Maya!" He snapped her name like a whip and she jerked her head up. His eyes had the same glow that she had seen so many times in Miss Kimura's eyes and something happened inside of her. Somewhere deep inside of her she turned liquid as the rest of her body tingled. "Maya, please get up, or..." His voice was harsh and raspy, and she knew she needed to obey, but all she did was stay on her knees on the floor. "Maya get up!" Despite the steel cold tone in his voice she couldn't get up. In slow motion Maya bent forward again, pressing her heated forehead against the cold marble floor.

Arnaud couldn't think clear anymore, she was impossible to resist. Slowly he slided a hand over her back and into her neck hair and noticed goosebumps in its wake. "If you don't get up I have to punish you Maya, don't you get that?" he said silently in a hoarse voice.

"Oui..." she whispered.

He stood there motionless for a few breathless moments before he curled his fingers into her hair until he had her in a stronghold. With a tug, he lifted her head upwards for her to look at him. The snatch in her hair set her body on fire instantly.

"Have you any idea what you're getting yourself into, little girl...?"

* * *

A month later, Arnaud was back in Maya's hometown and had arranged a trip where she was to accompany him. She was afraid that her father would oppose that she would accompany him without chaperon, but luckily he said that Mr Fabre seemed like an honourable man and that Maya was privileged to get such an assignment.

By now she was accustomed to sit by his side with her pad and pencil next to her dictionary and felt like a secretary. By now she had also learned enough to pick up the hidden conversation between their opponents and was able to discretely convey this to the man whose interests she guarded.

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