9. Girlfriends

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© VeGirl 2014

"Please sir, take me with you to London."

"Maya you are not ready yet," he sighed.

"But I've been learning English," she said the English words even if it wasn't fully correct, She had been practicing hard during the past two weeks.

His expression changed and he observed her stunned. "When did you have time to study English?" He looked just as astonished as he sounded. "You're a hard student..."

"I just want you to be proud..." It was a mere whisper.

"Oh my little one..." He sighed and took her face between his hands. "I am proud, so very proud." His face showed such sincerity. "But this is going to need a little more... preparation..."

"I don't like to be alone," she pouted.

"I'll ask Maria," he said while walking to his room to pack.

"You don't have to do that..." she muttered while slowly following him.

"Perhaps I should send Cheri over instead of Maria to keep you company," he called and his tone of voice was harsh. "Perhaps you two could work up a sweat together?" The words were laced in that steel cold determination. There was nothing left to discuss.

Maya didn't want to pull demands, but she didn't want for him to seek someone else. "As you wish sir..." she said defeated and leaned at the doorpost.

He sighed heavy through clenched teeth. "Why did that yes sound like a sodding no?" he prodded. "Are you not happy with the life I've given you?"

Those words made her gasp. "Oh no sir, I am very happy with you!"

He walked up to her and caressed her cheeks in his hands. "Then you will let me go. It is just for the night."

The begging expression was still on her face she figured, because it only took one look for him to kiss her forehead and let her go. "I'll call Maria to come. Good bye." He grabbed his suitcase and walked out on her.

Maya felt as if her chest had been ripped apart and silently cried in her hands as she heard the lift close behind him.

Trapped in her golden cage she walked restlessly around. Curiosity fuelled with anger made her stomp to his room to probe. At first she opened the vast doors to his walk in closet that was as huge as her own and lined with suits, shirts and shoes; all colour-coordinated. This neither satisfied her curiosity nor her anger.

Everything was immaculate clean and organized. This only fuelled her anger and she pulled the drawers out of his nightstand and there those handcuffs were still.

Her anger was immediately replaced with a feeling of stepping on forbidden land. Maya reached to move the handcuffs and explore what more was in there when there was a bing by the elevator. She instantly dropped the metal, pushed the drawer in and hurried out of there.

"Hi gorgeous, I brought a friend. I hope you don't mind," Maria cooed and her eyes flickered to the blond girl by her side who was looking like a supermodel. "This is Paris, my girlfriend."

There were two things in that sentence that peaked her curiosity. "Paris?" Maya asked, totally forgetting about the handcuffs in the drawer.

Maria laughed out loud. "I was certain that it was the girlfriend comment that would trigger you," she said smug, came forth and kissed Maya's cheeks.

"Yeah, where else could I move when I'm named Paris, but here?" The blond girl did the same and Maya was suddenly very hot. "It is nice to meet you Maya, Maria has talked a lot about you." The blond girl had a flirty personality that was very alluring.

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