Chapter One

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"Miss you are being requested downstairs." Comes the voice of a squeaky house named Binky. 

"Ugh, tell her I'm coming." The 18 year old Vega Black responds as she gets up and runs her fingers through her silky black hair in the mirror making it more presentable.

She leaves her bedroom and starts making her way downstairs towards the parlor. 

Her Mother. She was a somewhat sore subject, not that she had anyone to talk to it about. Vega never truly had anyone, she had always been alone, the whole 18 years of her life. 

"Mother you requested to see me?" Vega questions straightening her posture as she neared Kristina Black nee Selwyn. 

Her Mother did not bother to look up from the newspaper and tea she was occupied with when she answered. "We will being having guests tonight. It is finally time for you to meet The Dark Lord." Kristina Black may look somewhat nice at first glance but she could be an extremely cruel person when needed. She finally looked into Vega's eyes and said, "I trust you will behave, and wear something black there's no need for those dreadful bright colors, those horrid mudbloods use them enough."

Vega swallowed hard. "Of course Mother."

"Now go." 

She turned on her heel and left the room with her mind spinning. Would she become a death eater? Her Uncle William was one and told her lot's of stories. She most defiantly did not want to kill people. She sighed as she went into her room and picked up the letter her father left her right before he died.

My Dearest Vega,

I do hope that you are reading this right now, and if you are, I have unfortunately failed my mission and died along the way. I was on a mission to destroy a horcrux. I was trying to take down Voldemort. The horcrux makes him immortal, if it's destroyed, he can finally be taken down. Kreacher would know more.

Enough of that, I wish I could have been there to watch you grow up, go to Hogwarts, and find love. I'm sure that you have become a very beautiful lady and just know I will always be watching over you.

I love you, your Father, R.A.B

Her eyes started tearing up. No matter how many times Vega read the letter, she would always get emotional. She wished he could be here with her. She wished it would all stop.


With a final kick to the gut, this weeks torture was finally over.

"Get up you insolent boy."

Charles Avery used the last of his might to push himself off the ground.

"We will be going to see The Dark Lord later, go get ready."

"Yes Father." The boy managed to cough out. 

His Father was cruel and abusive towards him for as long as he could remember. To his Father, he was just another pawn for The Dark Lord. 

Charles started to stumbled out of the basement. Once he finally got to his room he collapsed onto his bed and got his wand to heal himself. His screams of pain could be heard throughout the entire Avery Manor. The house elves were on strict orders not to help him but he wished they could. All he wished was for the pain to stop.

The two teens should have been more careful with what they wished for.

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