Chapter Two

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Vega was in her room smoothing out her silk black dress. The guests would be arriving any minute. She took a deep breath and tried to prepare herself for whatever was about to come.

There was a pop from behind her which could only mean one thing. "Miss, it is time for you to go." Binky tells her.

She took a deep breath. "Okay." Vega started making her way through the dark manor until she reached the dining room. This was it. She opened the door and saw a horrid... person? He was sitting at the head of the table. The Dark Lord. Voldemort. He was right there.  She gulped but tried not to show her fear and sat near the middle of the table right by her Mother and Uncle. A few more people filed in behind her.

"Now that we're all her, I should start by welcoming our new recruits. It is an honor for you to serve. Charles Avery and Vega Black." Voldemort said.

Her Mother gave her a subtle nudge so she got up and started to make her way over. Vega saw another boy who looked about her age get up.

"Ladies first." The Dark Lord said.

He harshly grabbed her left arm. His nails digging into her forearm. He started muttering something she couldn't quite hear and all of the sudden she felt a burning sensation. She let out a short scream of pain. When her arm was let go of, she could see a jet black mark on her arm. A mark that would forever be on her, a mark that determined her future.

Charles was next and the initiation was repeated but Charles bit his lip to hold in his screams. He knew what would happen if he let out so much as a whimper in front of his Father.

"You are not needed right now. I will call when I have a task."

The two teens looked at each other and quietly left the room. Vega let out a shaky breath as soon as she was out.

She turned to boy next to her, gave a small smile, and stuck out her hand. "Vega Black."

The boy shook her hand and said, "Charles Avery."


A few days later,

Vega Black and Charles Avery had crossed paths yet again, this time at Malfoy Manor. The two were sitting alone in the Dining Room with Voldemort. 

"And make sure you kill everyone there."

Kill? Vega did not want to kill. She did not want to become a murderer. But it wasn't exactly like she had a choice. She knew she would have to do it eventually, she just didn't think eventually would arrive so soon. She clenched her fists under the table so there were crescent shaped marks forming on her palms. 

"Yes My Lord." Charles responded for both of them.

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