teasing // jean

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authors note:
im testing out something new so bare with me, but im trying a second-person pov.
ik some people like that better, so lmk what u think!
omg i just wrote it and that was slightly awkward from an author's pov, but it shouldn't be for you
ps ily historia i had to add her in this part



"Okay, well Y/N and I wanna join the Military Police," Jean told Sasha and Connie, "and Marco, too. We always have." Despite the fact that his comment was directed at both of them, you were pretty sure Connie was the only one really listening as Sasha was busy absolutely demolishing her dinner.

"And live a soft and easy life in the interior?" You looked over at the voice to see a boy, who you remembered to be called Eren, a few tables over staring at you, Jean, and Marco, feeling a bit of anger build up inside of you.

"Yeah, and what about it?" you glared back, daring him to oppose you. He did.

"You're just gonna give up on humanity?" he asked confidently, "Let us all die while you live in comfort in the interior?"

"Well you're certainly welcome to join us," you stood up and stepped over the bench, crossing your arms as you kept eye-contact with Eren, "But I'm not so sure your skill could land you a spot in the interior."The moment you stood, Mikasa jumped up and stood next to Eren, protecting him like he was some child, making Jean stand next to you in defense as well.

"I don't want to join the lazy MPs," Eren spat, "I'll kill all the titans while you sit on your cowardly ass in the—" You lunged at Eren, cutting him off mid-sentence. You thrusted your first forward, your knuckles colliding with his face. You smirked slightly at the successful blow.

Eren shot up as you stepped back and held your fists just in front of your face, readying for combat. "Get him, Y/N," Jean teased, confident in your hand-to-hand combat skill. You could take him out with ease—it was the ODM gear you struggled with. Not that it mattered anyway, as you had always planned on joining the MPs. Or, at least since you met Jean when the two of you were around eight.

Eren swung his fist at you, though you were able to dodge the punch easily. He had swung his arm out when he punched rather than shooting it forward. Had you not dodged, he could've not only hurt your head, but he probably would've broken his hand, too.

"Hey, Jaeger!" Jean shouted angrily the second you dodged the blow, "Who do you think you are?" Jean shoved past you and pushed Eren backwards.

"At least I'm not a coward who's only goal is to live comfortably!" Eren spat back, shoving Jean.

"Hey, back off!" you told the both of them. For starters, Eren was seriously pushing it, insulting a position of such high honor. Second, Jean had gotten involved in your fight, which was incredibly rude, "Jean, move."

"I'll join the Scouts and kill every single titan," Eren continued, "And if not, I'll give my life for humanity!"

"Suicidal maniac," Jean insulted him.

"Lazy bastard," Eren growled. Jean grabbed his collar and raised his fist to punch him, but the door to the mess hall creaked open, interrupting the chaos. The ex-Commander Sadies appeared in the dark doorway, a blood-chilling look plastered on his wrinkled face.

Let's be honest—you were scared shitless.

"What's all the racket?" he threatened, just loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, which wasn't actually loud at all.

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