Chapter 5

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Oh my fucking god, dude. 100 reads?!?! I sincerely doubted that anyone would read this, let alone 100 people. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I adore you so much it's insane, oh my lord. You're incredible. Anyway, back to the fic. <3

George couldn't bear opening his eyes yet. He wanted to savor the last few moments of warmth and contentment within his love's arms. Last night's memories were foggy. Foggy with lust and passion and blonde hair and hands and skin against skin. Foggy with Clay. Only Clay. 

George wished he could stay in this position forever, soaking up every magnificent detail until the end of time; the brit's new favorite scent, green apples, Clay's hands wrapped around his waist, the body heat that engulfed both of them, the memories of the previous night, everything.

George had never felt like this before. He thought about the times his parents had talked about falling in love and tear-jerking films that all illustrated unrealistic expectations of some fairytale feeling that only the main characters would have the privilege of experiencing. That viewers and listeners yearned so deeply to possess.

At this moment, he knew exactly how that fairytale feeling felt.  

The room was too bright, sunlight shone in through a window above the bed and made the already-light sheets almost blinding. The brunette glanced over to Clay. His flawless features resembled a roman statue, chiseled from marble or stone. He couldn't take his eyes away from the sleeping male. 

The statue's eyes opened, "Good morning~" Clay's grip tightened around George's body, pulling him impossibly closer. Clay chuckled, "Were you staring at me?"


Clay just smiled and pulled George in for a kiss, the other internally cavorting around like a child. Even though they had done unspeakable things last night, George's stomach exploded in butterflies. Gross, he thought, love. 

They disconnected. "Are you feeling okay?" Clay absentmindedly started playing with George's hair. 

"Sore, if that's what you mean," Clay laughed, "But, otherwise, I'm great. How about you?"

"I couldn't be happier, George." 

"Stop doing that," George dragged out the last word, burrowing his face in the younger's chest to conceal his blushing cheeks. 


"Saying stuff like that, you're too..." George trailed off. 

"You need to learn to take a compliment," Clay giggled. 

"That wasn't a compliment, that was just you being weird." George actually loved hearing Clay say lovey-dovey shit, but he was also very easily affected by it, which was quite embarrassing. 

"It was a compliment, it's not like I'm this happy every morning. It's because of you." Flutter, flutter. 

"Oh my god."

"You're cute when you're mad."

"Jesus Christ, Clay, I swear to god." 

"You're so hot."

"Clay!" George was sensing a pattern: Clay really enjoyed pushing him to the limit, flirting endlessly until George was a flustered mess. 

Clay wheezed at George's overdramatic reaction, "God, I love you."

"Can you please stop?"

"Oh shit, that one wasn't on purpose." They both laughed. "We should probably shower." George agreed and Clay let him go first. The blonde giggled as George basically limped to the bathroom. 

Sorry for the shorter chapter, I wanted to get something out for you guys as quickly as possible! Let me know if you have any suggestions/criticism, it's all welcome! I appreciate you all so, so much! Also, do you like the current POV or would you like to read Clay's perspective in upcoming chapters?

Love you! <3

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