Chapter 2 - Edited

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Barty crouch jr had some free time that needed to be used up with something so after thinking for a moment he Decided to go see his lord.

Walking through the gates of what looked like an abandoned manor, Barty seen it slowly become into a place of living.

It wasn't dark and gloomy, it had its bits of being dark everywhere couple of places but it's had this welcoming feeling.

Walking the the halls he went to the dining room he knew his lord was at, opening the door quietly and closing it he walked over to his lord and bowed.

" my lord I have excellent new "

" what might that be Barty" The dark lord questioned

" Harry Potter isn't as light as he seems my Lord he pretends to be friends with a blood-traitor and a mud-blood so dumbledore doesn't suspect him, the sorting hat even trying placing him in slytherin but he argued with hat not to put him there " Barty spoke with glee running throughout his voice

" how is it that you know all this Barty"

" well the night The schools got there  he seen me without the pollyjuice in and it had click straight away what I was and he didn't care that I'll I had to do was say 2 simple words and he'd be dead"

" why didn't you kill him"

" my lord all do respect but could you imagine what would happen if the boy who lived turned up dead just after school started ."

" I suppose your right"

" oh my lord here his blood willing giving just don't open this vile till it's needed it shall keep the blood warm as if it was in a body, oh and potter also said that if he ends up in this tournament like we planned on doing he'll find a way to kill both of us, he can be kinda scary when he want to be my lord"

" okay so then don't put him in the tournament"

" okay my lord I shall come back tomorrow and have potter with me and you can talk and figure out what exactly happened now"

" alright if that all"

Seeing it as a dismissal Barty bowed one more time being walking out of the house and going back to hogwarts where he had a teen waiting for him in his private quarters as usual.


As Barty walked into his quarters he seen Harry sitting in the arm chair with a book in hand open on hand in the book and the other he was leaning on.

" Barty"

" Harry"

Barty went into the bedroom and changed out of Mad eye's cloths before having a quick shower, getting a red shirt that had black and white strips in it, he had in black pants with a chain that hang from the side and around his neck was necklaces.

He had a towel in his hands drying his hair walking into the sitting room where Harry was sitting in.

Harry upon hearing the the bedroom door open looked up his breath caught in his throat seeing Barty.

Harry got up putting the book in the chair and walking over to Barty and wrapping his arms around his Torso laying his head on his chest closing his eyes.

Harry felt Barty throw the towel into the couch before wrapping his arms around Harry resting his head on top of Harry's with a tied sigh.

" are you okay Harry" Barty whispered into his hair.

" yeah just had a long day"

They just stood there for about half an hour hugging each other and talking before they were on the lounge.

Neither were sure when they moved but they were now laying in the lounge Harry's head in the crook of Barry's neck and arms still round him, while Barty had on hand under his head and the other in Harry's waist his head just lying back with his eyes closed.

Slowly Barty felt Harry's breath even out with a small shake of his head the best he could before slowly getting up with Harry in his arms putting him into the bed in the next room.

As Barty went to move he couldn't as Harry had a tight hold around his neck, smirking he undid his shirt and pulled it off his shoulders before taking the chain in his pants off and the necklace's around his neck off before getting into the end with Harry.


Th next morning when Harry awoke to someone playing with his hair he grumbled before snuggling back into the warmth that he had been laying on.

Upon hearing a deep chuckle Harry lifted his head and looked at Barty he turned bright red witch only made Barty laugh more.

Barty since Harry was looking away didn't see the smirk Harry wore, he was still laugh and Harry grumbled again before pushing him off the bed making him stop laughing and sending an offended " HEY" Harry's way.

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