Part 6

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Harry no matter how much he missed being in Barty's presence avoided him all the time not talking to outside of class and leaving as soon as the Bell went.

That went on for about a week, while people could Cleary see Harry hasn't been sleep that much lately dew to his blood shot eyes, Barty though you could only see to when he wasn't in Polly juice.

They missed each other and there was no denying it.

Harry was currently in defence with the disguised moody just before the bell had rang moody told him to stay after class as it was there last class today Harry had no excuse to try and get out of it, a tried sigh left his mouth as he nodded his head just as the bell went and everyone began to leave.

Barty making sure no one could open the door from the out side let the Polly juice fade away before he was himself again as put up silencing charm so no one could here them.

" Harry..."

" I don't want to hear it Barty" Harry stated not looking at him.

" let me explain-" Barty started but got cut off.

" there is no explanation Barty I like a lot and I though you liked me back but clearly I was wrong" Harry grabbed his bag and started to walk away when he head Barty talk.

" your not wrong Harry I like you"

" then why did you have a Slytherin in your bed" Harry snapped.

" I don't know it just happened"

" no Barty it doesn't just happen" he whispered had he walked towards the door.

Barty stood silently from were he was seated and grabbed Harry arm pulling him around and smashed there lips together.

Harry supersized by the kiss hesitantly kissed back before pulling away Barty's forehead in his.

" if you don't believe me come to our chambers tonight and I'll show you how Much I love you" Barty whispered against his lips.

" I'll think about it" Harry said before he walked away without a second glance.


Harry walked out the door closing it behind him tears dripped down his face towards the great hall, getting the the doors he wiped his face before pushing them open and walking over the the gryffindor table taking a seat next to Neville.

About 10 minutes into dinner Luna came over to the table and took a seat across from Harry before talking.

" well will you speak to him tonight?" She questions once he looked up.

" I don't know" he answer banging his head on the table.

" Harry..."

" it's complicated Luna it's not that simple you of all people should know why it's complicated" Harry snapped at her gaining the attention from some of the Gryffindors.

" then take to him and see if he has an explanation"

" I don't need more of his bullshit lies Luna he should of thought about what he was doing before he done it" Harry snapped before getting up and walking away.

Harry went to the Gryffindor common room and sat I n front of the fire glazing out into the burning wood listening to the crackling of the fire his mind racing with thoughts.

He ignored the people walking into the common room he just sat there thinking if he should go and see Barty or if he should leave it.

Once the common room was empty again Harry stood from his spot on the floor and walks into the dorm room to change before he headed off the Barty's chambers.


Knocking on the chambers door he waited for them to get opened a couple seconds later a dripping wet Barty opened the door only having a towel around his waist he smiled at Harry and let him in.

Harry walked in and sighed he wasn't sure why he was here or what he was doing here but he hopes he made the right decision.

Barty whom closed the door turned around and looked at Harry whom had his back towards him he walked over to him putting his hands on his waist before pulling him back against his body his head in the Crock of Harry neck kissing it as he whispered.

" I only want you"

" you have no idea whom insane you drive me when you walk out of the bathroom after a shower with you hair wet"

" I want you"

Harry tilted his head to the side as Barty sucked in his neck making him gasp an let out a small moan his left hand going up and to the back of Barty's head grabbing a bit of Barty's hair as he found Harry's sweet spot.

Harry could feel Barty's erections planted at Harry's thick arse that showed when he doesn't were a glamour ( witch his when he's with Barty if the dark lord and death eaters) pushing back he let out a loud moan as Barty Groaned.

Harry turned around and kissed Barty there Tongues danced together as they kissed each other with love and passion.

Harry was soon shirtless with his legs wrapped around Barty's waist his hands in his hair as his lover kissed down his neck, grounding down on Barty's erection and moan.

Soon they were in the bedroom both naked as Harry moaned under Barty.

That night Barty paid attention to every gasp, groan, wine and plead Harry sent his way as they made love for the first time.

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