Part 12

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When Harry awoke the next morning he smiled and snuggled back into the warmth that he'd moved a bit Form.

Hearing a chuckle he looked up and smiled seeing Barty watching him with a smile on his face smiling up him he said a soft "good morning" getting another smile in return and Barty " good morning" before he felt Barty's lips inclose on it forehead head.

Giving a soft hum once the lips were gone he sat up and moved next to Barty grabbing his book on his night Stand and leaning in Barty.

Both Harry and Barty spent about an hour in bed just reading there books and talking quietly with each other before Harry got up and headed down stars for breakfast.

Harry hummed as he made sure everything was out in the and that the house elf's didn't forget anything as they cook breakfasts lunch and dinner unless Harry wishes to.

Harry smile when he left arms wrap around his torso lifting his head and tilting it back Barty gave him a kiss in the lips.

" come love let's eat"  nodding his head Harry and Barty took a seat a the table.

Though out breakfast the couple spoke about all different things, things that they possibly haven't shared with anyone else.

After breakfast they went to get ready for the day.


Tom sat in his throne room with some of his death eaters planning the Azkaban break out for his death eaters that had been placed there.

He hummed nodding his head when something useful came up, the door to the hall opened and in walked a blonde headed teen the one he could make out to be a lovegood.

" yes lovegood?"

" Dumbledore is made he doesn't know that Harry isn't at the Dursley's as no one in the order have realised it, he's planing on getting you mad at some point and throwing Harry out in front of you and an I think - not a hundred percent sure - that professor Snape could be a traitor and Dumbledore also getting the shits since he hasn't here from moody as he's in the dungeon at Barty's and Harry's manor But you shoulder figure out what your doing with him at some point"

" is that all?"

" Sirius black and Remus lupin they both almost killed Dumbledore when he forbade everyone from contacting Harry for the summer as it's ' not safe' so maybe you could persuade them to switch sides and if Remus goes Tonks will go if Tonks will go then her mother and father will go, if they go Fred, George, bill and Charlie Weasley will go nine of them have really liked Dumbledore but you know how he can be, oh and Tom I beg you really if you keep the Lestrange's away from Neville once you get them out of Azkaban he can give you think from plants that'll kill people in seconds all of them are in his locked greenhouse so his gram doesn't see them she'd have a heart attack"

Tom blinked for a second then nodded his head, " alright lovegood I take it you going to see Harry and Barty" getting a nod be continued " tell them I shall come over within the next couple of day to figure out what to do with moody"


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