2 | dark mark

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"Home sweet home," Arthur grinned as he entered the tent, the children following in after him moments later. The tent was ten times bigger inside than it appeared on the outside. "Girls," he stated, gesturing ahead, "Choose a bunk and unpack." He turned to where his son was raiding the kitchen, "Ron, get out of the kitchen. We're all hungry."

"Yeah, get out of the kitchen Ron," Fred and George agreed in unison, placing their feet up on the table that sat in front of them.

"Feet off the table," Arthur ordered and the twins dropped their feet.

"Feet off the table," they agreed. As soon as Arthur left the room, their feet retook their spot on the table.

Abigail looked around the tent for a moment before following Hermione and Ginny to the room they would be staying the night in. She placed her bag down, ignoring the faint thumping in her head.

"Are you alright?" Ginny spoke up and Abigail turned to see both of the girls watching her.

"I'm fine," she answered with a nod. "I just..." she trailed off hesitantly as she looked around, "I have a bad feeling is all."

"Like what?" Hermione asked curiously.

"It's nothing," she replied, forcing a smile on her face. She moved her bag to the corner of the room and turned back to them. "We should probably rejoin everyone."

The three girls made their way to the boys before they all headed to the Quidditch field to find their seats. After a decent amount of time, Ron spoke up, "Blimey Dad, how far up are we?"

"Well, put it this way," a man from below them spoke up. "If it rains...you'll be the first to know."

"Father and I are in the minister's box," Draco bragged and Abigail scowled. "By personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself."

His father hit his cane against the boy's stomach and Draco grimaced. "Don't boast Draco," his father tutted, "There's no need with these people." He looked back up at the group and Abigail now understood why the Malfoy boy was the way he was. He learned it from his father. "Do enjoy yourself won't you," he suggested and the girl couldn't help but note the change in tone, "While you can."

"'Father and I are in the minister's box,'" Abigail mocked as the group continued on their way. "Merlin, if I could just get my hands on that kid, I would-" She cut herself short when she realized that everyone had stopped walking and turned to look at her in surprise. She cleared her throat uncomfortably and mumbled a quick apology, "Sorry."

The ceremony began as they arrived at where they were to be seated. Balloons soared through the air and fireworks exploded above them. "Come on up, take your seats," Arthur suggested as he ushered the kids into the row. "I told you these seats would be worth it."

"Come on!" George shouted eagerly.

Fred pointed ahead of them, "It's the Irish!"

Five people decorated in green and white flew through the air on their brooms and left a colorful trail behind them. Abigail watched as a shiny leprechaun flashed in the sky and started dancing. The stands erupted with cheers.

Abigail's head was pounding and she had no idea if it was because of the noise or something else.

Viktor Keum waved at the crowd before the announcer's voice boomed through the arena "Good evening!" he greeted and the crowd cheered louder if that were even possible. "It gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the finale of the four hundred and twenty second Quidditch World Cup! Let the match begin!"

Abigail stepped back from the edge and took a seat in one of the chairs. She held her head in her hands for a moment, willing the images in her head to stop. Harry seemed to notice the girl's absence and turned to look at her, "Abby?"

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