6 | summoning charm

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"Don't tell me you're mad at me too," Harry huffed. He shook his head, "I didn't ask for this."

"I know," she replied, confusing him more.

"Then what's going on?"

"Nothing," she shrugged. "Everything's just how it was before."

"It doesn't exactly feel that way," he informed her and she frowned.

"It's all...I'm just..." she groaned. There was no real way for her to explain this. "I'm tired," she explained simply, "Haven't been sleeping well."

He frowned, "Is it because of...well, you know..."

"No," she answered quickly, shaking her head. "No weird dreams or anything like that. Just regular old insomnia." She glanced behind her for a moment, "I'm going to head back to the common room, see if I can rest. I'll see you later."

"We're okay, right?" he asked and she nodded.

"Of course."

But it certainly didn't seem that way to Harry. He noticed that every time he entered the Great Hall, she was already gone or she was conveniently about to leave. And every time she was in the common room and he arrived, she was ready for bed. She avoided him in classes and opted to sit next to Neville, Hermione or Ron rather than him. That seemed like the opposite of okay.

Harry entered the Great Hall with a huff. Abigail sat with Hermione and Ron and had yet to notice his arrival. He quickly made his way toward them and sat between Hermione and Ron, "Why are you avoiding me?"

The three of them looked over to see that he was talking to Abigail. His legs were bouncing up and down anxiously as he waited for the girl to explain herself. Hermione and Ron glanced between the pair before exchanging a knowing look.

"I'm not avoiding you," she pointed out with a frown. "I'm talking to you now, aren't I?"

"This is the first time in weeks," he reminded her, shaking his head. "You keep making up excuses any time I try and talk to you."

Hermione and Ron took this as their cue to move further down the table and they joined Ginny and Neville.

Abigail closed her book, "I've just been busy is all."

"With Ron barely talking to me and Hermione trying her best not to pick a side, I'd have thought I wouldn't be losing you too," Harry stated, watching the girl. "I suppose I was wrong about that, wasn't I?"

He stood up from the table and stormed out of the Great Hall. Hermione and Ron rejoined her a moment later. "Is everything alright?" Hermione asked.

Abigail frowned as she stabbed at her food, "I have no idea."

Her previously dreary mood had deepened significantly. Harry wouldn't even look at her and Hermione wouldn't stop bugging her about what was going on. At this point, the dreams were the least of her worries.

"I need your help," someone spoke up, confusing her greatly. Abigail turned around to see Harry standing behind her. She waited for him to continue and it took him a moment to realize that's why she hadn't said anything, "I need to learn the summoning charm for the first task."

She was confused by his bluntness but Harry had learned that as of late, getting straight to the point was the only way to speak to her.

"How do you know you need that?" Abigail inquired.

"Well the first task is dragons, you see, and Professor Moody told me to play to my strengths."

This only confused her more, "So you chose a charm you can't do?"

"I need to summon my Firebolt."

Abigail shook her head but responded nevertheless, "Fine, alright. I'll help you. There isn't much time between now and the first task but I suppose if we work during all our free time, you'll get it at some point."

She wasn't even sure why she agreed to help him to begin with. Whenever she was around him, she was confused. She wasn't going to be of much help.

"No, not like that," Abigail shook her head. She stood behind him and grabbed his arm to show him the proper movement. She moved his arm in the correct manner, "See?" He turned his head so he could look at her but she released him as soon as he did. "Try again," she suggested, "Just clear your mind and focus."

Harry raised his wand, "Accio-" He cut himself off, dropping his hand to his side, "I can't."

"You almost have it," she pointed out, "All you need to do is focus."

"That's the problem!" he exclaimed, "I can't focus. I can't clear my mind."

"You have to try," she sighed, "Whatever you're thinking about, just forget about it."

"Believe me, I've tried," he stated and Abigail frowned.

"Maybe it would be better if Hermione helped you."

"I don't want Hermione's help, I want yours."

"It doesn't seem to be much help and the task is tomorrow."

"I just need to know one thing."

"And what's that?"


"Why?" she repeated in confusion as he walked over to her.

"Why have you been acting so weird? Why have you been avoiding me?" he explained, "Why can you barely look me in the eye?"

"I'm not acting weird and I haven't been avoiding you," Abigail pointed out, "I've just been busy."

He took a hesitant step closer, "And the answer to the third one?" Abigail stared down at her feet, "Please, just look at me."

She shook her head but slowly looked up at him nevertheless, "I'm looking you in the eye, are you happy?"

Harry scanned her face, looking for an answer to all the questions that had been floating around in his head for months now. "The reason I can't focus is because all I can think about is you," Harry whispered. He rested his forehead gently against hers and Abigail's breath hitched in her throat as he cautiously grabbed her hand. "I'm not sure what that means or if you feel even remotely the same way but that's why I can't focus." Abigail had her eyes trained on their hands before he added, "Your turn."

Abigail closed her eyes for a moment and shook her head. She pulled away from him and took a step back toward the door, "I'm going to get Hermione. She'll do a far better job then I am now."

"Abby-" he began but she was already out the door.

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