Kevin and Antonio get into a fight

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Everyone was up on time This morning,well except Jayden didn't wanna leave the room. Lauren had to drag him out of the room. When Jayden saw Kevin he hid behind Lauren. Kevin said"What's wrong Baby Red? Why are you so Dumb"?! Antonio pushed Kevin and said"Whats your problem"?! Kevin said"Jayden's a Freak! He's a Samurai,he should act like it and not a Child"! Antonio said"He missed out on His Entire Childhood"!! Kevin said"Why are you Defending him! He's not Normal! He's a disgrace to the team"!! Jayden ran off in tears. Lauren said"Jay-Jay"!! Lauren pushed Kevin against a Wall and Slapped him across the face. Lauren said"Way to go! You made my Little Brother cry! No one Ever makes my little brother or else they wanna deal with me"! Mentor Gi said"Ahem"! Lauren said"Uncle? How Long have you been there"? Mentor Gi said"Long to see you hit a fellow Ranger. I would never expect this from My niece. Come here". Lauren said"But Uncle gi,Kevin started"! Mentor Gi said"Lauren Elizabeth Shiba! Do not raise your voice at me,You understand me"?! Lauren said"Yes Uncle Gi". Mentor Gi said"C'mere". Lauren stood in front of her uncle. Mentor Gi grabbed her wrist,making her bend over slightly and spanked her with his stick 12 times then let her go. Mentor Gi said"Here,take this Icepack Kevin". Lauren wiped away her tears. Mentor Gi hugged her and said"Why don't you go find Jayden"? Lauren nodded and ran off to find her brother while Mentor Gi left to his office. Kevin said"Why is Jayden even your friend?! He's a freak! He wears Diapers for God's sake"! Antonio said"You are so Self Centered"! Kevin said"How do you even do the Little Freak"?!! Antonio pushed Kevin to the floor. Kevin got up and pushed Antonio back,Making him fall backwards and cut his forehead,skin his forearms and cut his lip. Antonio got up and ran into the Infirmary. Later... Lauren was Watching TV with Jayden in the living room (AUTHOR'SNOTE:Since Jayden had Returned Gi got them a TV) Jayden had a Pacifier in his mouth and his Red teddy bear 🧸 clutched tightly next to him. Kevin said"Move it Freak"! Antonio said"No le hables así"! Kevin said"Why are you Defending him"?! Antonio said"He's my Pequeño amigo"! Kevin tripped Antonio and pushed him. The 2 two started to fight,Until Kevin twisted Antonio's wrist. Lauren said"Uncle Gi"!! Mentor Gi said"Antonio?! What happened"?! Antonio said"Kevin started fighting with me and he sprained me wrist by twisting it"! Mentor Gi said"Kevin,Go to your room and Wait for me there. Antonio come with me". Antonio nodded and followed his Mentor to the Infirmary. After helping Antonio,Mentor Gi went to deal with Kevin. Mentor Gi said"Why where you fighting with a Fellow Ranger?! Explain why"?! Kevin said"Because he hangs around with that Little Freak of an Unworthy Ranger! I hate Jayden and Hate the way he's got those two wrapped around his Finger"!! Mentor Gi said"You should never talk about people like this,How you feel if Someone made fun of you"? Kevin said"I'd feel sad". Mentor Gi said"How do you think Jayden felt when he mocked him,Embarrassed him in front of the others and called him name"?! Kevin said"He felt Upset". Mentor Gi said"Yes. Now I still have to Punish you". Kevin said"Whatever it is I deserve it". Mentor Gi said"2 weeks of being grounded and instead of freetime after training You'll do chores and If Everyone else wants to go Out to have fun you won't join them. Understood"?! Kevin nodded. When Mentor Gi left the room. He stumbled upon his Niece and Nephew cuddled up together with Antonio. He smiled as he laid a blanket over them and went to bed.

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