A For Alex

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A For Alex

I hear Andromeda say something incoherent to Alex. I open my eyes.
"Hey..." She has a frown on her face. "Malcolm got murdered last night."
My heart pounds against my ribcage. "Oh."
"Drom, can you go and tell Adam that Jade won't be in class." Alex asks Andromeda. Her frown deepens. "Sure." She mutters.
He sits on the chair to my right.
"I know it was you." He tells me absentmindedly.
I gulp.
"You're lucky I wiped the footage," his face goes so close to mine that I can feel his breath on my face. "Because if I didn't you'd be dead already. You know, murder is a serious crime."
"And you care because...?"
"A secret for a secret." He shrugs, and sits back down again. I sit up in the hospital bed.
"And if I don't keep yours?"
He shrugs and simply states, "I told you. If you don't keep mine," He fiddles with the pocket knife in his hands. "I'll kill you."
"And what if I kill you first?" I ask testily. He gives me a sadistic smile, and before I can muster a scream he rushes me. I feel the sharp blade digging into my flesh, I want to cry out but all that reaches my lips is a low hiss. He's carving something into my collarbone. When he releases me from his vice grip, the true amount of his insanity pours out. "You're my property." When he walks out of the room and slams the white door, I look down and see a messy, bloody "A" carved into my collar bone.
A for Alex.

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