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I do not own Glee, and songs or any characters used in this story.
Btw. This is the first one-shot.

Finn's P.O.V

This morning wasn't special in any way. Just normal Wednesday morning. Today I had Glee practice. I loved Glee. And singing. I walked into the school full of people, and when I came in, every girl turned my way. Me and Puck, my bestfriend were the most popular guys in this school. Then Rachel came in my way. She was following me all the time. "Hey Finn." She smiled widely. "Hi." I faked a smile because there was no reason to be happy to see her. "I'm sorry Rach, but I have to go. " I just left her, standing there, alone, with mouth wide open.

And then I saw them. The Unholy Trinity. Quinn was a blonde girl, Brittany was a unicorn as she always said and Santana. A bitch from Lima Heights Adjacent, and a Latina. But I had a massive crush on her. But she was cold. Very cold.
"Morning Finnocence." Santana smirked and I couldn't do anything just smile. "Good morning. See you in Glee club."

I walked to the Glee club. "Hello Mr. Schue." I sat on my usual place.
"Hey guys. So I decided for this week we'll be singing duets. And the best duet will win dinner in Breadsticks on me. And I already paired you. So Quinn with Matt, Puck with Rachel, Santana with Finn, Mike with Tina, Kurt with Mercedes and Artie with Britt. "
My heart just skipped a beat. I'm paired with Santana!!

Santana's P.O.V.
Oh my god! I got paired with Finny. Oh how I loved this boy. The lesson ended so I came to Finn.
"Finn, I need to talk to you."
"Okay? What do you need Tan?"
"We have to sing a duet and I hate you. But we have to sing it so see you at my place today at six."
What did I just say? I had to leave. I ran to the toilets and I cried. I was so sad for what I said. I was a horrible person.

After few hours the school ended so I went home. My mum was never at home and dad either so I was home alone all the time. I wanted to not be a bitch for once. I decided to prepare some food for the evening. I prepared beans with rice, my most favourite food ever. Then I heard a knock on the door. I went to the bathroom, to see if I look good and then I opened.

"Come in Hudson."
"So come with me. " I was leading him to my room. At first he wasn't sure, but then he came in.
"I won't bite you." I smirked and then I looked at him.
"So what song do you want to pick Mr. H?"
"I was thinking about Love Somebody by Maroon 5."
"Okay Finn." I smiled.
"Now open your mouth." I laughed evily even I didn't want to do anything evil.
"I.. I."
"Just open it, Hudson." He opened it slowly and I put spoon full of rice and beans in his mouth.
"Do you like it?" I smiled.
"I love it, what is it?" He looked at me.
"Beans and rice." I laughed and he laughed too.

After few hours we were talking, having fun and we became really good friends.
"Finn, why are you talking to me?"

Finn's P.O.V.
"Because I think you are a good person. You just don't show it. " I smiled at her. She smiled back and hug me.

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