Finntana #3

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I do not own Glee, characters or any songs used in this fanfiction.

Santana started living with Finn in November. She moved in his flat because Kurt and Rachel moved with Blaine and Sam. They weren't dating but there was a huge chemistry between them. They even shared a bed so Finn was always really nervous when they went to sleep. I meanevery boy would be nervous when a hot girl lays next to you.

Once he was sleeping, Santana went out with her friends. She came back drunk. When she came in she took off her coat and boots, went to the bedroom and changed into her sleeping robe. Then she saw sleeping Finn and got an idea. She got in the bed and climbed on top of him. Her legs were on each side of his body, she leaned closer and kissed his neck.

She started sucking on it and she started "accidentally" touching his crotch. He woke up, and looked up at her. He could see her boobs and when she was sucking on his neck everything got heated. He got on top of her and before he realized it, they were making out. It was really hot. Rest of the night was a blur.

He woke up, naked, his hand was around Santana's body. He quickly got up, put on his clothes and brought her some pills and water. She woke up with a huge hangover. She looked at him and then at herself. "Why the hell am I naked?" She frowned at him. "I don't know. I was sleeping in living room." She shook her head. "Why?" She smirked, put the blanket around her and got up. "I remember it baby. " She drank a little bit of her water, took the pill and left the room


He decided to take a shower. He got in the bathroom, took of his clothes and got in the shower. He started singing so he didn't realize Santana crept in and got in the shower too. Suddenly he felt her hands wrap around his waist and she started kissing his neck. He turned around. "Santana! What the hell?!" He shouted. "Be quiet baby." She put her finger on his lips, smirked and came closer. "Don't you say you don't want some hot lovin' in the shower. " He looked at her. She kissed him and slid her tongue in his mouth. He kissed her back. They kept on making out but then he stopped. "I don't like this Tana." She frowned and put shampoo in her hair. "Why?" He sighed. "Because I don't like these things. I don't want one night stands. I was a relationship." She gulped. "Finn." He smiled softly. "Please. Will you be my girlfriend?" She sighed but smiled a little. "Fine Finny Bear, just do one thing for me." He smiled and washed the shampoo out of her hair gently. "What is it?" She stroked his cheek. "Kiss me." He smiled and kissed her.

//Thanks for reading! This is not a good one but I'm planning on writing a big one :) Bye!! Love you !!

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