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I do not own Glee, characters or any songs used in this fan fiction.

1 year later

Finn's P.O.V.

It's been a year since the love of my life left. I loved her so much, she would never reply my texts or calls so I had to get over her. I was teaching at WMHS at the moment. I was coaching the Glee club. There were 16 kids. I was super proud of them. They were excellent. One morning I came to the choir room and they all were sitting there. "Hey guys. Why are you here so early?"
There was one girl who was similar to Rachel Berry. Her name was Maddi. "Well Mr. Hudson we wanted to ask you about your times in glee club." I smiled a little.

"Well it were the best years of my life. I was a popular boy, quarterback and I was in Glee club. Then there was the Unholy Trinity as they called theirselves. Quinn Fabray, head Cheerio and my first girlfriend in here. She cheated on me and got pregnant. Then Brittany S. Pierce. She was not very clever but sensitive and nice so we all loved her. And then Santana Lopez." I sighed and stopped. "And then there was Rachel Berry. You all probably know her right?" I smiled as they all nodded. "Well she was my girlfriend too. Maddi reminds me of her a little bit. Then there was Puck. My best friend who is now in the Army. Then Sam Evans. He was like Ken. Or like Chris." I looked at Chris and he smiled. "Then Mercedes Jones. You know her."
They nodded again and I was thinking. "Then Tina Cohen-Chang and Mike Chang. Both really good friends. Then Artie Abrams. Best mate to be honest." I smiled at them widely. "And then my brother Kurt Hummel and his boyfriend Blaine Anderson."

Puck's P.O.V.

I walked inside the school in my uniform. I was proud of myself. I already planned where I'm going.
I knocked on the door and came in.
"Isn't this T-Rex and his kids?" I laughed a little bit and everyone looked at me. Kids sat up and said "Hello Sir".
Then Finn looked at me. "Hey man." He smiled at me. "Hey bro." We manly hugged. "You're off now?" I nodded. "Yes Beth and Quinn are waiting for me." He smiled at me and then looked at those kids. "Well this is the famous Noah Puckerman."

Finn's P.O.V.

We spent some time with Puck but then he had to leave. I was preparing songs for Sectionals when Maddi knocked on the door. "Mr. Hudson could I talk to you?"
"Um sure Maddi. What's up?" I looked at her.
"Well I'm sorry for being nosy but I noticed when you were talking about Santana Lopez you were out of your mood."
I smiled a little. "It's okay Mads. Just forget it okay?"
"Sure Mr. Hudson. I'm sorry." She left and I covered my face in my hands. Why didn't she respond?

~Next day~
We were singing Someone Like You.
Chris: "Mr. Hudson. Could I ask you something?"
"Sure." I smiled and nodded.
Chris: "Who is the love of your life?"
Then I heard klicking of heels. "I'm home Finn." I looked at the door. She was there. I smiled widely. "Finn I'm sorry I didn't reply any of your texts." She came closer to me. "I missed you Finnocence. " She kissed me. I kissed her back and the kids were clapping.
I pulled away softly and then looked at Chris.
"She is. Santana Lopez is the love of my life." I smiled.

~after a year-

I came home from work and San was sitting on the sofa. She looked angry. "What's wrong?" I sat next to her.
"You know what's wrong! ¡Estoy embarazada!"
I looked at her. "I'm sorry Tan. I just don't understand what you are saying."
"¡Cierra el hocico! No me gusta qué dicés. Estoy embarazada y mi madre está enfadada!" She was talking very quickly.
"I'm sorry San. What are you saying?"
"I'm pregnant!" She got up and locked herself in the bedroom.
"Isn't it a good thing?"
"No my mum is insane about it!"
"Open the door."
She opened it and let me in.
"I'm afraid you'll leave me."
"I would never leave you baby. This is our child so we'll be good parents, okay?" I smiled and kissed her cheek.
"Fine." She smiled.

Hope you guys liked it and if yes vote and if you'd want me to write some fan fiction just comment.Love you :)

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