Chapter Five

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I was forced to open my drowsy eyes up when I heard our door bell ringing repeatedly. Who the fuck is so early to disturb our house? My phone has yet to alarm, the sun hasn't woken up too, and most importantly, Anne hasn't texted me good morning yet so it isn't time to get up. I feel too feeble to go down stairs to answer them. Maybe I should just wait for them to break in...

My family has probably left so I got down stairs to check if they really did. I could still sniff dad's strong scented perfume in the living room. The chicken soup left for me in the counter is still warm. And the radio was playing the song that's usually played after the news has ended. They don't leave unless they heard all the news.

I stepped my bare feet on the cold tiles tip toing cause it sends chills to my spine. I opened the door without any care and was surprised to see it's raining quite intensely. How long have she been waiting?

"Good day Ellie," My prying neighbor smiled brightly as she greeted.

I closed the door at her face. "Well not anymore," I said under my breath praying it would make her go away. I have little to no patience to spare in the morning.

"I think I could use a heated door mat, I can feel your coldness out here." She chuckled on her own. What a whack. How could she even laugh when it's raining, she must've been soaked.

I couldn't stand morning people. Why and how are they so active and energetic already? I have to at least reload my body an hour before I start dealing with people.

She kept pressing on the door bell insisting that I let her in. By the looks of it, she wont stop until it's broken. I don't want to get a whole lot of scolding from my mom when she gets home to a busted door bell, I bet she won't even believe me when I tell her what I'm seeing right now.

"Ms. Miller you're vandalizing my property!" I shouted lazily.

She stopped for a while but then kept pressing it again and again.

"Let yourself in," I halfheartedly said and let out a deep breath. Somehow, this is better than going to school with bloody ears.

Ms. Miller, one of my teacher, dried herself before entering my house. I expected so many things on this town to happen and I promise you this isn't one of those things.

"This is homey," she said as she sat on our chubby plumped couch. "I have never seen such an adorable couch Ellie, this is too cute! I shall have one,"

Her eyes twinkled as she talked and her voice is not as calm and collected compared when we're at school. Today, her voice is penetrating my ears. I swear it's not because of my mood, it's hers.

"I should be sleeping right now," I stared at her dead in the eyes while hugging my arms.

"No. You should've showered by now. I'm giving you a ride to school if that's alright."

"It's not. I can walk myself to school."

"While it's raining? I don't believe you," She shook her head in disapproval.

"Then I'll use an umbrella,"

She stifled a laugh. "Who would chose an umbrella over a cool neighbor who's willing to give you a ride?"


She stood up and walked close to me. I'm slightly taller than her making me gain confidence but I doubt it'll last under her piercing brown eyes. Once again, I find myself looking away.

"Listen, I apologize for pushing boundaries yesterday, that was a very, very wrong thing to do. But please, try not to forget that you left detention a head of time." She pointed her finger at me and then back at her, "You owe me, I owe you." Ms. Miller whispered, her eyes stayed at mine for a while but when I walked pass her to go to the kitchen, wrecking the tension that is starting to build up.

I did not expect her to be that close. She was too freaking close I could've stumbled my way to the kitchen and embarrass myself.

"Why are you even doing this?" I asked standing behind a counter. Below me is the canned soup breakfast my family left for me. It's cold now that the temperature is dropping because of the rain.

She shrugged, "I have no idea myself, but felt like I should."

Pfft... She's just guilty she invaded my privacy. Even read it aloud. It's not like I'm ashamed, oh no, that text is from my girlfriend. But she could be a bit emotional when she texts. So when someone except me reads it, it can be awkward, and that doesn't sit right with me.

"So are you just going to stare at that dehydrated soup, Or are you coming with me? I'll treat you breakfast,"

"Nope. I'm not that hungry," My stomach growled loudly, disagreeing.
"That's our dog." I scratched my head.

"You don't have a dog Ellie."

"You don't know that Ms. Miller."


We were driving through Mcdonalds that morning. She managed to shove me in her car by baiting me with nuggets, in exchange of my pride. I was starving as fuck, might as well forgive her than dying. I don't hold grudges, I was just playing hard to get earlier.

My phone rang and a notification from Anne pop up. I caught Ms. Miller glancing on my phone but I was immediate enough to turn my face at her and give her a questioning look.

She laughed nervously. "Might be an emergency, we'll never know,"

The rest of the ride to school was quiet, even the rain has stopped. Ms. Miller attempted to ask me about school and I try to respond with short and simple words.

She parked the car quite far from the entrance because we didn't arrive that early and most of the parking slots are taken. Students are filling up the hallways and they're on it again with their stares that I couldn't make up at all. When I look at them straight in the eyes they usually stay quiet but when I already pass by them they continue, again, with the peculiar looks and whispers. I think the tension isn't caused by me.

I catched up to Ms. Miller who's walking hasty a head of me. She's holding onto her books and she wore an uncomfortable expression on her face.

"They're creeping me the hell out," I said.

She turned to me, "Who?"

"Uhhh- everyone else around us...? They're looking at us like we're some kind of a criminal..."

"You just lack sleep Ellie. You're just imagining it,"

"Maybe, or maybe not," I raised a brow at her. "I wouldn't mind letting them know who they're looking at,"

"Oh?" She squinted her eyes at me. We were passing by the locker section and it looks like more people are in here than anywhere else in this school, so more probing eyes and speaking mouths in here. I shrugged the negative thoughts off of my mind. Ms. Miller kept on pulling and tucking her shirt while fixing her hair too. A part of me wants to ask her if she's alright and why her vibe suddenly changed when we entered the hall.

"Do you not trust me right now? Fun fact I actually know Kung Fu,"

She seemed to be invested by it and asked. "Where did you learn it from?"

"I watched all the 3 movies of Kung Fu Panda," I said all high and mighty.
"Want me to skadoosh all these bitches in here? They're really getting on my nerves." I punched the air multiple times as a demonstration.

Ms. Miller grinned then rolled her eyes on my silliness. We are already at the second floor of the senior building where her classroom is at. Less tension from outside our own protective barriers. I see her calming down a little, she held her books more loosely.

"Thanks, uh, Ms. Miller for the ride and the treat," I said awkwardly as we reached her classroom. I don't know why I decided to follow her but here we are.

"We're even now," she stated. Her voice dimmed compared this morning.

"Yeah. So I hope I wouldn't be waking up to a crazed neighbor tomorrow morning,"

That managed to put a smile on her face, "You won't. It'd be more polite then,"

I rolled my eyes. The bell rang making us part ways. She goes in her room and I turn my back to go to 209 with my backpack.

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