Part 1

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I had dreams of a man—tall, strong, and sad as he carried me to Wicked guards—but I couldn't remember who he was. His face was square and stern, trying not to show too much emotion, but his eyes told a different story. He griped me in his arms, kissing the side of my face as he set me on the ground.

"Be good, Y/N," he said. "Be a good little girl. Daddy will see you soon. I love you, don't ever doubt that."

The dream told me he was my father, but my heart told me that I didn't feel any love towards him since I couldn't remember him. My past was erased because of the Maze, but my childhood was erased the moment I was released into the care of Wicked.

My body jostled roughly and my name was shouted in panic. My eyes burst open to see Minho leaning over me, shaking me awake. Usually, there's that calm moment after your eyes open but before you actually awaken, but I skipped right over that. My heart raced as I shot up with the sinking feeling in my stomach like I was free-falling.

"We gotta go!" Minho screamed to me. I saw Newt waking Thomas in a similar fashion, then Minho jumped out of the helicopter. I shouted for him not to, reaching my arm out, then another guard grabbed my arm and lifted me out of the plane. My feet hit the ground and I was momentarily confused. We hadn't been falling.

"You alright?" The guard yelled over the sound of the whipping blades. I nodded, running to follow Newt and Minho. Thomas ran back to the plane like he'd forgotten something, and it stressed every guard out.

As he was running back to us with Chuck's carving in his hand, something in the distance snarled. The guards started shooting, saying Cranks were coming. I didn't know what Cranks were, but from the sounds of it, I didn't want to.

The building we were running to was tall and industrial and flooded with lights. The sand under my feet made it a little harder to run since I kept sinking, but I tried to keep up with Minho as best as I could while men in masks with guns herded us indoors like cattle. There was so much noise, but the second the doors closed behind us, it just stopped. It was a different kind of sound in here, a different atmosphere. People were still scurrying, but it looked like a shipment place. There were shelves upon shelves of boxes and items.

I still wasn't completely sure what I was looking at, my mind frazzled from being woken up in such a harsh way. Even now, we were herded into another room just down a hall from the one we came in. It looked like a throw-away room, filled with junk of odds and ends that they hadn't found a use for.

I turned around to ask what was going on, but they slammed the door in my face, so I looked back to the group in confusion. "Should we be trying to escape?"

"Honestly, I'm not quite sure what's going on," Newt hummed. I smelled food and my eyes slid to the cafeteria table behind the group piled with fresh food, and my stomach growled loudly.

"Or we could eat?" I said. Eyes turned to see what I was talking about, then everyone glanced at each other with nervous excitement. We crowded around the table, staring down at the food like it might jump up and attack us. My mouth was watering and dry as a bone at the same time, and all eyes turned to me when I was the first one to reach out and scoop up some mashed potatoes with a spoon. Their eyes followed me as I ate it, and I felt like the food tester for the king.

The buttery smooth taste made me moan, "Oh, my god, that is so good." Like opening the flood gates, everyone began to chatter and grab for food to pile on their plates, large smiles on our faces. I had a full plate by the time I sat down, and I wasn't even worried about anything or anyone else. Not even the fact that Teresa slid into the seat to my right. I spared her a glance, then realized why she'd sat there. Thomas stood behind us with his own plate, and now that we were sitting together, he couldn't sit next to us both. I didn't show that I was hoping he'd sit next to me, popping a grape into my mouth, but I couldn't help to feel disappointed when he didn't sit there.

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