Part 11

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I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but I knew I had a splitting headache when I jolted up. I was in a room covered in old flowery wallpaper. The carpet was a disgusting green color and the bed I was in was a little scratchy. Music thumped outside the door and I remembered I'd walked into a party after drinking that awful liquid.

Then I realized I was naked and my clothes were strewn in a pile in the floor. The man sleeping next to me had messy brown hair, but the blanket covered his face. My heart thudded in my chest, drowning out the music as I reached over and peeled the blanket away from his face.

Part of me felt relieved when I saw that it was Thomas, but the other half was terrified. Why was I naked in bed with Thomas?

"Shit!" I cursed, jumping out of the bed. Thomas stirred, sitting up as I thrust myself back into my clothes.

"Y/N?" he mumbled.

"What happened? What time is it? Where's Brenda?" I squished myself back into my pants, hissing when it passed over my swollen calf.

"Why am I naked?"

"I don't know, Thomas! Get dressed. We gotta go!" I threw his clothes at him and he quickly redressed himself. As I was putting on my bra, I noticed red and purple bruises covering my breasts and screamed.

"What?! What happened?!" Thomas whizzed around, his shirt in his hand and his eyes wide.

"What is this?! Did you do this?"

Thomas shrugged his mouth flapping as he stuttered. "I-I-I don't know. I can't remember anything."

"Holy fuck, what the hell did we drink?" I shoved my bra and shirt on then finished dressing myself. I peeked my head through the door. There were people passed out all over the place but some were still dancing. I stepped out of the room, walking slowly down the hallway with Thomas by my side. I wished I could remember what went down in that room, but not a single moment was reliable. I remembered there being a centaur with Thomas' face and fairies floating around everywhere, but that seemed a little impossible.

"Y/N, Thomas! I've been looking for you everywhere. Where have you been?" Brenda scolded, running up to us.

Thomas and I glanced at each other, and I said, "I'm not completely sure. Did you find the others?"

"Yeah. Well, they found me. Come on." We followed Brenda out into the daylight, and I winced at it.

"Brenda, how long has it been?"

"I don't know. I passed out and Teresa found me."

"Teresa?" Thomas blurted. "Is she okay?"

"Yeah, whatever, she's fine. That was yesterday."

"Shit," Thomas cursed. The walk to the building the others were in was actually really short, which made me wonder if drinking the substance had been worth it. Nothing great came out of it besides a massive headache and seeing Thomas naked. I mean, I couldn't even remember why he was naked in the first place.

The second we walked in, I saw Minho and Newt and felt my body deflate. I ran to them, hugging them tightly in my arms as they patted my back. "I was worried I'd never see you guys again."

"Welcome back, you ugly shank," Minho called to Thomas as he squeezed me gently.

"What happened to you last night?" Newt asked, eying my body like there was something different. "What's on your chest?"

I crossed my arms and looked back, seeing Thomas talking with Teresa, and I shrugged. "I don't know. It's all a blur of mythical creatures."

"What?" Minho said.

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