Part 14

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I didn't see Thomas in the line, but I did see Teresa talking with Janson. He shook her hand and let her into the plane and I was furious. She's the one who had called them here, and I supposed that's what her and Thomas had been discussing on the cliff. It felt like my stomach was removed, stomped on, then replaced upside down. I had trusted her and she betrayed us all.

"How many did we get?" Janson asked, walking up to the man logging in our numbers.

"All of them, give or take."

"Give or take what?"

"Well, they lost a few."

Minho jerked when a man tried to scan him, and he called out his number. I looked at Minho, an apology written on my face. Guards kept listing off numbers like we were auction pieces as Janson looked around. He leaned over in front of me, giving me a sick smile that made me want to bite his nose off.

"I always win...sooner or later."

"Oh, yeah? Come a little closer and we'll talk it out," I threatened, clenching my fists at my sides. Janson just smiled wider and stood up straight, his eyes flitting around as his smile fell.

"Where's Thomas?"

"Somewhere you will never find him," I said.

"Right here," Thomas said from behind everyone. I looked back to see him with his hands in the air walking up voluntarily.

"You gotta be shitting me," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

Janson smiled down at me again as a guard pushed Thomas to us. "You were saying?" Thomas walked up, standing in front of Janson, who looked like he was having a field day. He grabbed Thomas' shoulder and punched him in the gut so hard that I could almost feel the pain myself.

I cursed at Janson, trying to jump to my feet, but his open hand collided with my cheek and I thought I heard the smack reverberate in the mountains as I hunched over, pressing my hand over my cheek to try and ease the sting. Thomas lurched at him, but a guard kicked out his knees, making him drop down next to me. Several guards ran up, threatening Newt, Minho, and Fry when they started yelling in anger. One of Thomas' hands touched me gently, asking if I was okay.

Angry murmurs came from the crowd at Janson's actions, the loudest ones coming from my friends, and Janson rolled his eyes at everyone. "Oh, shut up."

"I'm alright," I whispered, the sting fading but my cheek flaming.

"Okay," Janson said, walking around like he owned the world. "Bring her in."

"Why didn't you run?" I asked quietly.

Thomas glanced at me, still furious at my treatment, and said, "I'm tired of running."

"Doesn't make you any less stupid. You should've booked it."

"I couldn't leave you." Even though the sentiment warmed my heart almost as much as the slap warmed my cheek, I still shook my head at him. Now we were all screwed.

"Thomas... Tell me the truth. Did Teresa do this?"

He frowned at the mention of her name, his lips pursing. "Yes." To hear it confirmed forced rage to bubble in my stomach. Teresa had been with us the whole time. She saw everything Wicked had done, she sees how we're being treated here, but still it was their team she chose to be on.

We waited silently on our knees for ten minutes before the largest plane yet swooped overhead. It was quieter than the rest and landed smoother, but the wind it caused could've knocked me backward. I shielded my eyes from the dirt it kicked up.

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