Part 4

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The hallway we exited into was like the ones we'd walked through to get to the showers, so I knew we were probably close to an exit. I also knew that these halls would probably be flooded with guards very quickly.

"You guys go ahead. There's something I need to do," Aris said.

"What are you talking about?" Thomas asked.

"You have to come with us. It might be our only chance to get out," I said.

"Trust me, it's important. You guys wanna get out of here, right? Just go." Aris started to go back into the vent and Winston offered to go with him. I hugged him, telling him to be careful.

As we were running off, Minho said, "You sure we can trust this kid?"

"You don't wanna know where we'd be without him," Thomas said, his voice deeper than usual. We turned a corner, nearly running into Dr. Crawford. Thomas stuck out his arms and I emitted of squeal of surprise as she gasped.

"What are you kids doing out?"

"Looking for the bathroom," I said. I might've gotten away with that lie had the alarms not started blaring. Her face fell, looking at us like we were prisoners who'd escaped their cell. Which I suppose is exactly what we were. "I don't suppose there's any chance you'd let us go?" She didn't answer, her hands going up like we would fight her. "Okay, fine. Then we'll have to knock you out."

Thomas grabbed her arm gently, his free hand held out to me to keep me back. "Where's Teresa?"

"What?" I said. "Thomas, we don't have time for a pit stop to pick up your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend. Take me to Teresa now."

Crawford started to walk, and I followed but I was ticked off. I was close to just giving up on wanting to be with him. Teresa was right, I did have other options even it wasn't my first. We ran–Newt, me and Fry–to the front to watch for guards.

"Freeze!" a man called, running down the hall we had to turn down. I ducked when he fired a weapon at us. It was a gun, but it wasn't firing bullets. I don't think they wanted to kill us, and that could work to our advantage. We ran back the way we came, trying to avoid any guards.

Minho stopped and turned towards the man, who was shouting our location through a radio. "Minho!" I said. "What are you doing?" Minho started running and as the man came into view, Minho rammed his knee into his chest. The man fell back against the wall with a grunt and slid down unconscious.

We all ran down the hall to look down at the man. Newt breathed, "Shit, Minho..." I was surprised to say the least, but knowing Minho was that strong made me weirdly happy.

Thomas grabbed the guard's gun and we continued down the hall, pointing the gun at Crawford's back so she would lead us. She stopped at a door, opening it slowly. Thomas shoved her inside and we all loaded into the room. The doctors in there backed away with their hands up at the sight of Thomas' gun, and I pulled the knife from my holster in my pocket.

"Where is she?" Thomas asked. When a balding doctor looked left, Thomas pushed the gun into Minho's hands and ripped back the curtain. Teresa was lying in a hospital bed, and I couldn't help but watch the way Thomas touched her like he had all the care in the world for her. Part of me wondered why she seemed to be the only one who wasn't tied up and unconscious like the others.

"Hey, get back!" I shouted when a ballsy nurse tried reaching for a syringe. He backed away instantly, his hand shooting back up in defense. "Get down. Now! On your knees. Newt, tie their hands."

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