xv: professor raye

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"Good morning students," came the soft-spoken voice of Professor Raye, who Jeongsuk said had no emotion, despite the calm voice she had. "Welcome to the third day of the program."

A chorus of good mornings resounded around the room. The professor checked her clipboard and raised her head up. "Looks like the injured student is back. How are you faring right now, student Jaehyung?"


"Splendid," the professor said, looking apathetic nonetheless. "I expect much from you considering your absences."

She continued to check the students of from her clipboard and blinked as she saw that a particular person was absent.

"A reminder," she said. "To be late means you will be punished. I shall not have lazy, unmotivated students in this program. It is unbecoming."

Mari suddenly appeared into the room, her mouth turned downwards and a gloom was seen in her attitude. There was a downcast expression on her golden eyes. Professor Raye stared at her. Mari stared back unflinchingly.

"You are late," said the professor.

Mari stood up straight and bowed. "I apologize, Professor," she murmured, her eyes downcast.

The professor turned her back on Mari, "You are to meet me once all your classes ends," she said, turning away and handing the class their translation devices. "I expect you to be there. Should you not will only lead you to having more punishment. I expected much more from you, student Mariette."

"Of course," Mari muttered and light glinted in her bright eyes. "I shall keep this thought in mind."

From his peripheral vision, Jaehyung could see Jeongsuk's curious gaze. He turned away from their exchange and looked up at Professor Raye who was now standing in front of him.

"Some translation devices?" she asked.

He frowned, "I do not need any, thank you."

"Very well," said the professor. She turned away to give them to another student — Mark. He eyed him curiously.

"Why don't you have a translation device?" He asked.

Jaehyung looked ahead. "It hurts my ear," he said. "I simply do not like translation earpieces."

Yuna looked at Jaehyung and shook her head, "You've always had a fascination with languages, brother."

"Indeed," Jaehyung agreed, somewhat surprised at Yuna's lack of distaste with him. Slightly suspicious, he turned away. He could feel his sister's gaze straight on his back.

"Enough talking," the professor said. Turning away and striding to the front of the class. She adjusted her glasses and blinked once.

"Elemental runes," she began, "Are the starting point of advancing into higher elemental control. To mathematically and logically do these runes perfectly takes a lot of time and effort. Of course, we are only doing the beginner stages of rune control."

"Rune control is considered one of the hardest subjects in school. It is mandatory to take these classes in your second year but should any of the first years place in the top five of their year group, you'll be expected to take rune control classes in a second year class. Same with the second years attending a third year's class and so forth."

She coughed slightly, "Having said this, I expect that all of you here are considered one of the brightest in this year's generation," she glanced at Jeongsuk as she said this who flushed slightly in embarrassment under her gaze.

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