xi: headmaster evos

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Jaehyung stared at the principal that was stood before him. To his surprise, it was a young man. What stopped Jaehyung saying anything was not the principal themselves but the fact that the principal seemed young. In the novel, the principal was described as a old man and yet now, he could help but feel deceived as he stared at this young man that stood regally in front of him.

Or regal enough - the man looked more guarded and stiff. The moment the two locked eyes, the principal bowed and gave Jaehyung a nod of respect. Jaehyung returned the gesture.

"I am Mikhael Evoskov. Principal and overseer of the summer specialist program. I am mostly referred to as Headmaster Evos. I am grateful at your fast recovery, Master Kim Jaehyung."

"Thank you," Jaehyung said. Headmaster Evos continued on.

"The program has just been relocated to another place, Master Kim. As you should know, the program will constantly relocate in different places as of tradition and safety reasons. It will be my absolute honour to escort you. Please, do take note that once we officially arrive at the location, the status of the attendees will be kept a secret and everyone will be equal to each other."

Jaehyung nodded, "I understand Headmaster Evos."

"Well then, it will be my pleasure to show you the work of the best summer program in the world. Despite missing two days of class, I am certain that you will not be left behind."

"You flatter me, Headmaster." Kim Jaehyung said.

"But it is no lie. Your achievements are quite astounding considering your young age. It will be an honour having you represent Kings Academy."

They both went through to a teleportation device. Jaehyung stood still as he stared at the building that stood in front of him. Indeed, what stood in front of him was a palace. One that was owned by his father, which made sense, since Kings Academy was first founded by his family generations ago.

However, unlike the location he had been in before he teleported where it was in the afternoon, the place he was in now was clearly now in the evening. The moon hung high in the sky, it cast a heavy glow over the palace.

This world was absolutely amazing.

Headmaster Evos strided towards the palace and Jaehyung followed him. Workers of the palace stood in a row and bowed to both the Headmaster and Jaehyung as they walked past. With the villain inside of him, Jaehyung didn't give them a single glance. He could almost see the arrogance in him. Perhaps the memories impacted him greatly than he had originally thought.

After showing him his room and introducing the workers that had been assigned to Jaehyung, Headmaster Evos finally left, giving Jaehyung his best wishes as his farewell.

"I expect much from you, Master Kim." Headmaster Evos said, before he left.

Jaehyung smiled, he wondered if there was confidence seen glinting in his eyes as he spoke. "You will expect no less from me, Headmaster. I will hold to your expectations."

Headmaster Evos gazed at Jaehyung. "I look forward to that."

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